William T. Goat Esq.

As seen in an earlier episode, it was a home invasion, with an entire family killed.

Isn't Trump the one who asked "If we have nukes, why can't we just use them?" That sounds a lot more warmongery than anything Clinton has said.

A Facebook "friend" of mine recently posted an infographic from LibertarianNews dot com containing some obviously false info about the 2012 election. I responded with a Snopes article debunking it. He responded that he doesn't trust Snopes because they're biased.

"Grab 'em by the egg factory"

Once again, the media indulges in lazy stereotypes that could inspire real-life violence against goatpeople. #notallgoatmen

The A V Club
more of the same directionless pandering

That's more than I bargained for.

The thing that has me interested in People of Earth is the banner ad that features a guy with a deer's head. What's that about? Is he the result of an alien experiment? Is he going to be a recurring character? Or is he completely unrelated to the show, just a trick to get me asking questions like these?

Interesting idea, that God is so far above His creation that even the angels don't really know what He wants. An idea I've toyed with in my own writings. (And when I say "writings," I mean stuff I've thought about writing but haven't actually written.)

Shave? Nah. I like girls with a thick covering of hair from the waist down to the hooves.

the “unreleased Nirvana” probably stems from David Grohl thinking it’d be funny to hand Shkreli his solo demos from when he was 17 and super-high

Isn't Gleek the Wonder Twins' pet monkey?

The problem with that is, the Bible traces every generation of Jesus' entire lineage back to Adam and Eve. So, if Adam and Eve weren't real people, how can Jesus, their descendant, be a real person?

I've been wondering what could have convinced Geena Davis to take this role. Well, now I know.

a "rushderfuck"

Still no Man Seeking Woman season 2, That Mitchell & Webb Look season 3, or Nickelodeon's TMNT season 4.

If Michael's the one who mistakenly brought Eleanor to the Good Place, then yes, it could be argued that he is the problem.

I was thinking the same thing.

Aren't "bicorns" just, like, goats? Or bulls, or sheep, etc.?

"It's not how humans talk"