William T. Goat Esq.

That sounds like you're describing "Bells Are Ringing." My two favorite songs on the album; they go together well.

"Every new advancement is just another way to look at your photos porn."

So, it's like's "Marvels of the Science"?

Yeah, I really wanted to see if the show would be brave enough to follow up on the implication that they may not all have been "miracles from Heaven," to coin a phrase.

(SPOILERS in case my prediction of future plot twists turn out to be true)

I just bemoan the lack of Saturday morning cartoons.

Immediately below it is a cryptogram, which was easy to solve:

Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparklehorse.

I know Dorcas! She runs the Pittsburgh Scrabble club. She's amazing at Scrabble. Unfortunately, Scrabble skills are not the same as Jeopardy skills.

He's non-rad!

They had a radio hit called "Monster". It's like they heard "Animal I Have Become" by Three Days Grace and thought, "we can do that!" I thought it was a weird parody at first.

The organizer of my weekly Scrabble club will be on Jeopardy this coming Monday. Yay!

Jonathan Coulton should release an album of all the opening songs. It's this generation's "Trapped In The Closet"!

At the very beginning of Species 2, the camera pans across a ship in space. It's kind of reminiscent of the iconic opening shot of Star Wars: A New Hope… except for the sudden appearance of a bunch of corporate logos on the ship, including Pepsi and Sprint. They have nothing to do with the plot, and they are never

Remember everyone, Braindead starts an hour earlier than usual tonight, because it's two episodes airing consecutively.

I keep flashing back to an old SNL Weekend Update commentary from A Whitney Brown. I can't find the complete quote from a Google search, but it went something like:

I think we all just lost The Game.

dabadabadabadabadabadabadabadaba HERE AND NOW

Well then, it's not really a live-action remake, is it.