William T. Goat Esq.

Wocka wocka doo doo, yeah

Surprise: She's actually playing Mary Jane Waterbuffalo.

Perhaps the bugs form some sort of bureaucracy inside a person. One bug/team of bugs controls an arm, one controls a leg, one makes the person talk. And maybe there's only one bug that sees the big picture, setting the agenda for the whole person they control, passing down orders to the others, who just follow orders

That nasty spill I took on the pavement a few months ago proves that I don't need to take a course in slapstick. I've already mastered it! Now, if you'll excuse me… (gets hoof stuck in paint can, falls down stairs)

You know, I've often thought that A Midsummer Night's Dream would make good horror material. But… Lifetime?

He certainly is a master baiter.

Just feel like venting about this: Three weeks ago, after a heavy rain storm, my landline phone (my only phone) lost its dialtone. I've been trying to get Verizon to fix it ever since. Three repairpersons have showed up and fiddled with it while I was at work, but nothing has improved. (I've checked all the

15 years ago, I was getting my phone, cable, and internet services from three different providers (Verizon, Comcast, NetZero), for a combined cost of about $70/month. And I would get flyers in the mail from Comcast, offering to combine all three for "only $120/month!" I was like, seriously?! Do you actually think

Do the horses get to look out the window as the plane is taking off? I bet they'd FREAK THE F*CK OUT.

Are the free shows disappearing completely, or will they just not be free anymore? I'm halfway through Weird Science: the Series!

My favorite has always been the Mokele-Mbembe.

Yeah, the only Modest Mouse songs I know are "Float On" and… um… I'm gonna say "Take Me Out".

You know who else kept saying his life and work were based on God? Hitler!

Chewbacca looks like he enjoys listening to that sweet Beggar's Canyon sound.

Pumpkinhead II would not have been bad as a standalone movie, but as a sequel it missed the point. It seemed like a repurposed spec script.

Sailors in your mouth!

I love movies where you don't know who it's for! It kind of forces you to accept the movie on its own terms, instead of trying to fit it into a category.

That's what I love about it! There's not really a villain; it's more of a culture clash thing. There's a brief explanation near the end that there was a worldwide pogrom against werewolves, which was only stopped by a mandate from the Pope that "werewolves are God's creatures too." Now there's an alternate history

It's called "vore," and it's not a new fetish.

Still no Man Seeking Woman season 2, That Mitchell & Webb Look season 3, or Nickelodeon's TMNT season 4.