William T. Goat Esq.

Creature effects guru Stan Winston's second (and last) time directing a feature film, The Adventures of a Gnome Named Gnorm!

I am glad that Chuck Tingle exists. If it's possible to make a living at something so utterly ridiculous, there's hope for us all.

If I found out the old lady down the street was a shapeshifter, I'd think that was pretty cool. Not something to kill her for.

That routine had legs!

I caught a Pikachu, a Charmander, and a Shucky-Ducky!


Well they sure ain't "tickle weapons".

…So… conservatives want to kill cops?

But here's the thing: "curing" a mentally ill person can take years. During those years, should the still-mentally-ill person have a gun? Right-wingers say, yes!

That's high praise.

My mom says I'm her favorite ungulate!

Hey, I love the s'mores kind! Also cookies 'n' cream, and chocolate fudge. Basically, anything with chocolate.


In an ironic twist, Pittsburgh's annual furry convention was also this weekend, and nobody called them filthy animals.

That's how I got to school!

"Good artists copy, great artists steal."
Shia LaBoeuf

Is there a movie? It looks like the video is mostly clips from a movie.

…and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!

"He is only guilty of being Arnold Rimmer Donald Trump. That is his crime; it is also his punishment."
—Kryten, Red Dwarf

I went to watch the furry parade at Anthrocon yesterday! Everyone here thinks furries are cool, right? …Right? …:-(