William T. Goat Esq.

Does the Fox sitcom Woops! count?

…so, you're a Maoist?

As long as we're stereotyping…

So, cops learn absolutely NO self-defense techniques other than shooting? I don't know if that's funny or sad.

"All these celebrities are protected by armed guards"

Yeah, with all these plot questions which may not have good answers, this show is reminding me of the "V" remake. Although at least this show has more of a self-aware sense of humor.

Last year, I found a huge chunk of the 1980's ThunderCats incidental music on YouTube. The 27-track playlist I found seems to be gone, but here are some of the tracks:

She doesn't have the range.

…Oh, eLection! Never mind.

It's Goat Week at the AV Club!

*(gets nervous, crosses legs)*

People who are terrified that they might burn in Hell for disobeying God.

I don't want you to be mad. I want you to see yourself as others do.

Then why are they in the right wing? What IS the right wing, if not this?

Perhaps you misunderstood Ben Grimm's post as well. Because it sure looked like you were mocking him for trying to understand the shooter. Understanding the shooters is the only way to defeat them. Knowledge is power, you know.

…You know, I could say more, but I'll just be glad that we've both remained civil, upvote you, and leave it at that.

No, the shooter was the enemy. We have to understand the enemy, in order to defeat the enemy. You're mocking the idea of trying to understand the shooter. Because…?

"Know your enemy." —The Art Of War

I start feeling kind of guilty when people tell me my religious upbringing sounds messed up, because honestly, most of my classmates (Catholic school) didn't end up as messed up as me. Maybe my mind just worked differently than everyone else's, in a way that was incompatible with the teaching methods. I suspect I was

I was raised Christian, too. I was taught that I had to be Christian, or else I'll burn in Hell. I was taught that Hell is punishment for disobeying God. I was taught it as a stark fact, not a theory or a belief. You can't bargain your way out of Hell; you can't argue your way out of Hell; there's no time off for good