I just LOVE how we’ve all gotten so thin-skinned and see innuendo and malice in EVERY statement. Have a nice day.
I just LOVE how we’ve all gotten so thin-skinned and see innuendo and malice in EVERY statement. Have a nice day.
Waitaminit. The Netherlands? Beating Cuba? In BASEBALL? What year is this, again?
I know! That’s a mean strut, right?
After what hap at the Oscars, who can blame the bruther?
“Soccer is not a sport. How can anything where you can’t use your arms be a sport?” -George Carlin
Everybody saw this coming. He will need the money and it will happen. Might even team up with his daughter, Khloe.
Y’all pick the wierdest ppl to be queer for, and run the same damn pic 30x a year....Peg Noonan, Mike Francesca, Kristin Callivari, Martin Shkreli.... who are these ppl and who cares?
Don’t EVER point the gun at your own head.
Kinda the opposite of them stories on Sploid, where they toss stuff under hydraulic presses, and expect that to be fascinating.
I’m having a really hard time giving a shit about this.
Am I the only that realizes our Oscars were sabotaged by terrorists this year? And not just once, MANY times. That lovely girl getting hit in the head mid-song, that shameful statement from that guy that didn’t even show up, and this tragic ending. This is why we all need to get behind der Fuhrer, I mean, the…
Why do people bother saying “price point”? Doesn’t “reasonable price” mean EXACTLY the same thing as “reasonable price point”? When I worked in retail, that friggin’ drove me nuts.
Just what we need, another haunted L.A. night spot.
“It is a newspaper’s duty to print the news and to raise hell.”
Now if he “Vows to Do Something About a Dishonest and Incompetent Administration”....we be good.
Have Sword, Will Travel.
Don’t say such things ‘bout my boy, Karl ! Is he old? Yes. A bit of a dick? Probably. But he’s still pimp! He had a little spat with Meryl, so what? Nobody got hurt.