This reminds of some 60-70's british avant-garde stuff, like the Avengers or the Prisoner. “I am Number 2, you are Number 6.”
This reminds of some 60-70's british avant-garde stuff, like the Avengers or the Prisoner. “I am Number 2, you are Number 6.”
“Hey, let’s make some shoes that look like clown shoes and see how many idiots buy them.”
Totally not true. Airplane had some good stuff that didn’t become “hits” on pop radio. But yeah, some of the later stuff was crap.
I’ll settle for a Route 44 Cherry Slush.
If that’s all the evidence the prosecution has on Tina, I’m afraid I have to throw your case out.
Wile E. Coyote, supergenius.
Drug Counselor (Jere Burns) : That sounds...pretty Kafkaesque...
Damn... More Overwatch cosplay.
ah, but fortunately, I have the key
They don’t make video games of people that can’t fight...and they actually made TWO of these.
No you don’t. Watching Jaden do anything is painful.
We are going to be the country that doesn’t know we don’t know what the fuck we are doing. Ignorance is bliss.
He looks like a mix of Gary Shandling and Sliim Pickens here.
PHEAR the Baranski. WORSHIP the Baranski. LOVE the Baranski.
...For I is stronger than Darth Vapor,
For your next article, please explain why you are queer for this Mike Francesca gif and why you’ve used the same one for two years. Is it supposed to be funny or something?
Women play Peter Pan all the time, and interesting enough, I read Michael wanted to try Pan on Broadway at one time.
Wikipedia says that alotta the stars are paid for by the movie houses, MGM, Universal, etc. But that occurred more when actors were signed to one production company.
Here. Let me help you out and supply a different pic of Ms. Noonan. Notice I got you one that still makes her look rather goofy. I dunno whats up with you Deadspin guys thinking the same pic all the time is funny. Be it Skip or Goddell or Calivari. Use different pics. It’s annoying.
You can’t cheat a game, another human being, yes.