
Correction: It’s EIGHT nights “Sold Out” at the Staples Center, approx capacity for concerts, 20k. The Staples Center website has about 2-12 seats per section left, priced $115-615 a seat. Cha-ching, indeed. Set fire to the rain, baby!

Oh joy! I cant wait to visit planet Tittyballs and other sophomoric hangouts.

Or you can be an idiot and listen to this man, who is responsible for the WORST hangover of my life. One burbon, one scotch, and one beer.... 4 times, with an entire 12-pak. I couldn’t function for almost 2 days.

Right. Nobody’s gonna see Adele declined and believe she’s actually broke. She’s here in LA to do FIVE nights of SOLD OUT. Cha-ching!

I’m surprised Adele shops at H&M. I was told flat out (in a nice way), at one in an LA mall, they really don’t stock sizes to fit fat asses, and Adele’s prolly just a tad smaller than me.

...and I think a 50m lizard would be sufficient to get me to shit my pants. It just wouldn’t film as well, with tanks and helicopters chasing it. And thats what it always comes to, us sending our military might against the beast.

There is a limit to the size of earth walking creatures and I think they have exceeded it. You reach a point where skeleton and bone cannot support further mass, the bones would break.

Obviously, most of these people don’t realize that if they’re lucky, they are gonna reach an age where they absolutely don’t give a shit about any of this anymore, and wonder why they got these tattoos.

Get the power of OxyKarp! Pokemon, entrenched Pokemon, even LEVELED UP Pokemon don’t stand a chance against the fighting power of OxyKarp! OxyKarp lays waste to even your toughest Pokemon problems! But wait, there’s more! Buy NOW and get TWO OxyKarp for just 19.99! Twice the ass whoopin’ for the amazing same low

I hate that damn fish. He used to get me at the bridge EVERY time.

Is it possible there’s finally a Kristen Stewart movie coming that I’d actually be interested in watching?

That ol’ retrogamer, me. Hoping to be off-world by 6:30.

Read an interview with Tracey Morgan that said his SNL costars hated him too, for his constant mugging to the camera. They consider it insulting, like you’re trying to steal all the attention, and trivialize their participation.

That’s an excellent shot of Laura in her Freudian slip.

“You may not be a student, but this is going on your PERMANENT record, and you’re on DOUBLE SECRET probation.”

TMZ: Next target for Peter Thiel. Concentrate all firepower on the super stardestroyer.

He cant get the girl, so he’s Forced to use his hand, solo.

Good news for the ladies!

They gave her a different name, they are not saying it’s his goddess. HE’S the one making that leap and assumption. Nobody is controlling his goddess with a joystick and mouse. Is every old man in a robe and white beard God now? Oh! I’m offended! Don’t make that wizard look like my God, your depiction of Gandalf

You magnificent bastard. We salute you.