Now waitaminit, Ares was suspected as being her father. But I guess that doesn’t matter at all in mythology. Incest was rampant.
Now waitaminit, Ares was suspected as being her father. But I guess that doesn’t matter at all in mythology. Incest was rampant.
I have no respect for Dennis Wideman, especially not after all those trips to North Korea and cozying up to a dictatorial regime. And anybody that lets Carmen Electra get away is a complete idiot. The pic confuses me tho... I remember him as being darker, and playing basketball.
Bye bye Empire, bye bye...
Luley told Live Science. “We don’t see taverns before the Romans arrive.”
It certainly worked for us at the Oscars....
When’s it acceptable for YOU to take the elevator? When you friggin’ FEEL like it. See, this is what’s wrong with the world today. We’ve become too damned concerned with what other people are doing and what’s politically correct and all this happy horse shit. You think I give a damn if I get off on the second floor…
NCL to employees: “You don’t need condoms NOW. We already screwed ya.”
You know what’s offensive to me? When white clowns put on white make-up, like they can’t get white enough, they want a PURE white that is as far as they can get from having any color at all. Don’t tell me it’s just show business, or how they roll under the big top. I’m certain there’s some kinda hidden racist message…
Legally dumb, or legally blonde? Because stupidity, while not desirable, is perfectly legal.
My eyes are up here.
When a man gives his opinion, he’s an asshole. There, fixxored.
Hard to believe the year is TWO THOUSAND sixteen and superstitions like that still inhabit some people.
I can hear Chris already, “Black folk can’t win a damn Oscar, but they make us hand ‘em out. White people got us serving them, again! Here’s yo’ Oscar trophy, massa...wants me to shine that up for ya?” *insert big toothy Chris Rock grin here*
Game of Thrones Fucks With Us All.
I believe this Jaws guy just died last year so wouldn’t be him.
“You don’t understand. I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it.”
It’s a Brit thang. Using the same technique as Dr. Who’s TARDIS, the inside exists in a different dimension than the outside. Them girls got mad physics skillz.
Quick ‘n Easy “Who’s to Blame?” chart:
I was expecting something more like a t-shirt that says,