From what I can see, she has nothing to be ashamed of.
Why do y’all LOVE this pic of Goodell? Frankly, I don’t get it. May have been mildly amusing once...Maybe you’re just too lazy to find another pic that makes him look stupid.
Necessary for the plot, but the absolute worst sex scenes of all time...Jeremy Irons in “Damage”. Beat that. Or don’t cause them scenes ain’t getting anybody in the mood.
Honestly, son, this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you....
..with his dashing, slashing style of running, OJ always made the cut.
They will just ride the brakes the whole time then stop every 5 min to ask directions. Even the lady in your photo looks lost.
Every time someone mentions going to Hooter’s I ask why can’t we go to a decent restaurant and then a men’s club after.
“We’re sorry, but none of you were selected for employment with the NAACP. Good luck with your job search.”
Consent is Fun-da-mental !
I saw this live when it happened. There was no winner because this was never a fight. When Ventura charged the mound, he stutter-stepped. You can clearly see him WANTING to cancel the attack. You can almost hear him thinking, “What the hell am I doing? Am I really gonna fight Nolan Ryan?” But he was already on the way…
True, but give Perry a break, McCartney has it easier. The Beatles were amazing, but 90210 was teh suck. Can’t compare a legacy of awesome to a legacy of crap.