billy boy

That chap is at least 19, plus or minus two years. Now I'm off to work at the age-guessing stand at the carnival! (*dies of corn dog poisoning on the way*).

How many languages can you speak/read? Is it only necessary for conlangers to understand how a language works on a basic, simplistic level?

Billy Boy: "So there's still hope for me?"
Cappadicius: "No, not for you."

Well Wittgenstein would certainly agree. I can have a thought that's music, though some would argue that music is also a language. I can also have a thought that's nothing but an image, though you might say that an image isn't what is meant by a thought. I can also drink a lot of tequila—I mean, A LOT of tequila.

Fascinating interview. One of my possible lives was doing a linguistics degree to get that other noted show-business linguistics job: accent coach. It probably would be far worse than I imagine, having to work with actors all day, several of whom are not Jacob Anderson. Also, any show that wants its accents to be

I think the collective noun for lawyers is "a calamity of lawyers".

"It's like watching a dog play the piano!" - Freddy Rumsen

The Day the Clown Came On Your Skeletal Face (*moves up the line into hell, throwing a meaningless glance at Mr. Pants/Cooking With Hannibal over his shoulder*)

I'm ok with dogbearman as an avatar, but I really ought to have zoomed in on it more so people can see it in all its creepy glory as a thumbnail. I can't change it now, apparently, because apparently that can only be done if you have a proper disqus account, and apparently this random name I chose is taken. Wait,

I give not one sweet, fancy fuck for avatars (as my shitty avatar shows). Anyway, if he/she isn't a troll I apolojazz, which is like apologizing, except with frequent and earnest jazz hands.

I wondered, but then I remembered some of his/her other comments and wasn't so sure. The whole avatar could be meta-commentary on comments in general and the narcissism of our society, I suppose. Or not. As I said: baffled.

Getting offended is what good waffles, I mean writers, do. Look at Mr. O'Neal—the man is enraged by the very air particles that surround him, and we love that guy (AS A FRIEND).

Well, maybe trolling isn't the right word. I could see not wanting to read too much on the net—not wanting the description to spoil the show. Maybe I'm just feeling fussy. Time for a walk around the park!

I don't care if people watch it or like it. I just think it's odd to ask the commentariat what it's about instead of, you know, reading a brief description somewhere.

All right fair enough. My apologies. I guess I can let my guard down, even for a second. *Will You Marry Me sprays billy boy with poison that dissolves his face*

I confess I'm baffled by this poster, who seems to share every thought in his/her head, insightful or not, for a few days and then disappear for a month. Making a bunch of comments and then saying you're too busy to watch Game of Thrones (or perhaps read a brief description on Wikipedia) seems troll-ish to me.

So those margarine council creeps got to you too, huh?

The man knows a quality Franco, I mean story.

Ser Pounce pounced first!

He didn't retire! He was fired for the tire fire!