billy boy

Pardon me while I test this account.

At the risk of sounding maudlin, I just want to say that you've all been a tremendous disappointment to me.

"Stick another turtle on the fire. Guys like me are mad for turtle meat." - L. Cohen
When I worked in a grocery store as my first job in the early 90s, I used to wonder who the hell bought Campbell's turtle soup.

Yeah, and at the same time the rulers in the North don't really understand the South—they just sit around flapping their heads and saying things like "eh buddeh! our stores of kraft dinner will run oot ere winter is done" and "relax guyyy, there's more kraft dinner on Bear Island"

I haven't seen her, but I met an old man who said he might have seen her once, off in the distance, but it was a foggy night in Cape Breton and in retrospect he couldn't be sure it wasn't a Ford Festiva.

"Loyalty to your country always; loyalty to your government when it deserves it" - Mark Twain

Still can't believe the littlest hobo didn't foil Trump's evil plan to become President.

My problem with this whole controversy is that the person who recorded the footage sat on it till now, rather than trying to stop the movie. The whole thing reeks of failed extortion.


I don't think you understood my comment at all. I don't know where you got the idea that any opinion had been expressed by Obama or Dylan about the Nobel Committee, but I certainly didn't say that, nor did I claim that the committee had any political or social agenda. What I said was that the Committee's opinion of

Congratulations on your continued survival!

I've listened to Bob Dylan for a long time, and I echo Obama's statement about wanting Dylan to be sort of skeptical about the whole enterprise. Sure it's an honour, but the opinions of the Nobel committee are simply that—the opinion of one group of people. This group of people happen to have significant power in


April Wine will do in a pinch

I've left instructions for "YOU SUCK, LALONGO" to be engraved on my tombstone

Member when Homeland was good? Even if the first couple of seasons were good, and I'm not totally sure that they were, I have zero desire to watch them again.

Sure, I 'member!

I had to stop buying Tang and hot chocolate powder, both of which I would eat with a spoon. People seem more willing to accept the hot chocolate powder, but I tell you this: tang crystals are basically Fun Dip or pixie stix for the cheap and sugar-crazed.

Sure, I 'member!

Still giggling about the scene with the berries at the "members only" door:
"What's the password—'member?"
"Yeah I 'member? You 'member?"
"Sure, I 'member. You 'member?"
"Yah I 'member" *opens door*