All right, I suppose the ukulele is more of a beardo hipster thing. Still gotta burn them (gotta burn something!)
All right, I suppose the ukulele is more of a beardo hipster thing. Still gotta burn them (gotta burn something!)
I thought today's youth were mad for ukuleles, not mandolins. (*pauses before throwing match to pile of ukuleles*)
Michael Cera with a fro-wig?
Yes the plaster casters were very impressed. Goddamn my brain for holding onto that information.
I'm confused, is their inclusion ratchet or clink? (*spins wheel of fortune that has every place in the wheel labelled "waste more fucking time"*)
Oh, you're famous, BonerTime—you're famous FOREVER. Wait, no, that's not right…
I would also accept shnook and/or schmegegge for wearing that farshtinkener costume.
Huh? Me? Up?
He's just trying to make his Dublin accent sound more sinister, which isn't easy to do.
Martin definitely needs a thesaurus. In the first book, Tyrion always waddles everywhere and Martin reminds us how that makes Tyrion self-conscious. Maybe there isn't another way to describe that, but if so there's no need for all the repetition. Also the references to "playing the game of thrones" (there's at…
My god, the three of them in Burger Chef—Papa, Mama and L'il Balding Petey. I'm surprised Peggy didn't spit on a napkin and wipe Pete's face with it.
Tiny nipples are in demand? What an odd thing to obsess over. I thought they were strange, like the hippie guy's nipples on Community, but they're also pleasing in a way. I wouldn't say I have any nipple size preferences—that's the road to insanity.
Are people going to be surprised to find out where Stannis ends up? I thought the show dealt with that last season when Davos was learning to read. Davos says, "look fellows, the north needs our help". Melisandre says, "Hm, perhaps I shouldn't burn this chap." Stannis says, "what ho, this is a sticky wicket. Well…
I look forward to Sweetringo's sing-alongs. The actor does such a fine job of writing and singing, they got rid of the singer than Littlefinger frames in the books. Sweetringo sings, "Oh, I'm up high with a little help from my friends; Make them fly with a little help from my friends…"
Well they can and have; they just can't show him erect. They also can't show a woman's cleft, so if she doesn't have public hair to hide it (as is the style these days), then she has to stand bashfully covering herself or they have to cut the camera just above it.
They certainly have tiny nipples in Asshai, not that I'm complaining.
Well what's interesting about Dylan is that he didn't always sing in a nasal voice. I know people like to imitate him sounding like a siren with laryngitis, but he actually had a pretty big, non-nasal voice sometimes (e.g. the "Hard Rain" album from 1976, or "Desire"). He's therefore an example of how people can…
It's hard to demonstrate with language (or at least English, being the only language I know)—it's far easier to describe sights than the other senses such as hearing because we can point to them and say "here, this is what I mean".
Rusty: time is a flat circle.
Billy Boy: the phrase is redundant, as all circles are two-dimensional and therefore flat by definition.
Rusty: Damn you billy boy! (*drowns like a dinosaur in the tar pit of logic*)
She looks great, and I love the sound of her voice. I find its nasal quality really appealing; not sure why.