“that sympathizes with racial, ethnic...” pandering isn’t sympathy, it’s desperation.
“that sympathizes with racial, ethnic...” pandering isn’t sympathy, it’s desperation.
Would love to see the big fella under center:
So if a black player was suspended for writing things that targeted and harassed police, you’d agree with the suspension, correct?
It’s “trickier,” Barry.
You’re only a shutdown corner if you actually shut someone down. Norman did no such thing.
How thirsty must Skip Bayless be to get a ride on that thing? Maybe Jerry will even let him sit on his lap.
Notwithstanding rape shield laws, think of it as a reporter reporting a rape versus the reporting publishing photos of the victim nude documenting the injuries.
The HBR cites a glut of real-world evidence that that ratio would be more effective at something like one manager for every ten employees. “Doing so would free up 12.5 million individuals for other work that is more creative and productive.”
I think it’s hard to call anyone who simultaneously covers yogurt and finance a “writer,” but we’ll agree to disagree.
You make good points, but what do index funds have to do with sports? The topic of this “article” is more suited for NPR than an irreverent sports blog, so maybe the “author” should comport with the mores of NPR.
What about my comment indicated I couldn’t comprehend what was written?
All the cursing just makes you sound ignorant. Or was that the point?
There are plenty of union leaders who clear high 6 figures (and many more who clear 7 if you count professional sports). http://watchdog.org/261142/meet-bo…
Correct, you have no first amendment rights vis-a-vis private parties.
I guess you didn’t think about filming/time difference in that many different locations.
The difference is that goalie gloves are a lot more easily washed than hockey gloves because they lack the leather.
Such courage. The allegations bothered the Falcons when they became widely reported, but not before then.
“If you are wondering why women’s soccer is ranked above men’s soccer, ask yourself why Marta and Hope Solo are here but Messi and Ronaldo are not.” Marta and Hope Solo are putting 400k and 65k, respectively at risk, not the 20m / year Messi and Ronaldo would be. The same reason none of the top golfers are competing.
Can’t be Skip. He only eats cold Chinese food from a place in NYC.