
Because it’s more appropriate coming out of New Orleans that Cincy?

“he stuck out on a dropped third strike.” Was it because he didn’t run it out?

Just pull the NBA money and the league is over in one season.

No, based on my reading of this.

I’m sure that’s not something GM is particularly concerned about, but yes.

I really wanted McGregor to respond to Floyd’s jab about his name being first on the card with: “I know you can’t read, but the names are just in alphabetical order.”

The crime had already been committed and he was fleeing. For this reason, she also couldn’t justifiably shoot him in the back as he was fleeing.

He (or someone on his behalf) was required to e-verify every employee. That either happened or it didn’t. If you do so, you aren’t subject to large penalties, even in instances of fake paperwork. If you don’t, you’re subject to harsh penalties.

His first four paragraphs seem like a powerful-ass online argument.

So you believe she’s morally culpable and the law says she’s legally culpable. Not sure what the hang up here is.

Expecting higher wages because your boss is rich is pretty poor logic coming from a bunch of reports. Also, who could imagine that management’s stance toward unions could have changed since the 1970s. Next you’ll tell me all the good manufacturing jobs have left the US.

So the WNBA is still a thing? Thanks for the reminder.

His sentence was probation, so...

This is an incorrect application of this fallacy. The initial argument was that organizations that have committed literal acts of terror on American citizens don’t have a constitutional right to assemble. He provided examples of other such organizations that do have the right to assemble, proving that yes, such

It’s Detroit. Selling always looks better.

How do you have a typo in the first 3 words of a post?

Certainly no moral hazard there.

You’re still so thirsty.

Other way around, but correct.

It’s a little gross when people without money to donate attempt to dictate how those with money to donate do so.