
My high school football team was so bad that teams would go up on us by 40, 50 by half time and then sub in their sophomores or end of the bench people. One game we were down 58-2 at the start of the second half. Somehow we managed to play absolutely out of our minds and managed to get the score to 58-50 with a little

To continue to be amazed that the 1940s were actually in color, look at the Kodachrome category on

These photos are Kodachrome, introduced in 1935. It required complex and expensive processing, so it was used mainly by professionals and was much better than consumer grade slide film like Ektachrome. The colors are much more stable and fade less than consumer-grade film which is why these archival photos look so

No, the automatic is optional. The standard transmission with the 383 is a three speed manual that is fully synchronised on all three forward speeds

The restoration of that Mercury is coming along nicely, the truck has disappeared after it was used by a radio station as a mobile studio

Sending that message to her with pictures of her kids was meant to terrorize her of a Ray Carruth-like move. He only included his lawyer as cover. That lawyer probably injured his neck calling to yell, “WTF, that’s transparently threatening?!” and going into damage control the second after he got it.

Once again, a soccer story that ends with no scoring.

I was a tepid supporter of Bernie in 2016, but not today. I’ll tell you the difference between Bernie and Warren: Warren has a well constructed platform of interwoven policies and plans for the future. The talking points they both spout are similar, but Warren has done the groundwork and the math.

This comment epitomizes why people are turned off so much by Bernie supporters and why as a result it’s dooming Bernie himself. Bernie Bros are more concerned about saying “I told you so.” than the actual issues. You want a pat on the back?

Poor little fascist snowflake gets “ambushed”. He’s a bully and a fucking coward that hates the people he served with and abuses the power the people have given him to reward the greed and prejudice of assholes like Trump.

Movies releases back then were so different than today. Theaters often had only one screen, and it might take months for them to show something. And once something caught on, it could stay for a long time — I think Harold and Maude played in some theaters for years. Without home video, it was a viable way of showing

Like I said elsewhere, his national spokeswoman and senior speechwriter doxxed an anonymous account because MSNBC flashed one of their tweets on screen one night.

Look at it’s comment history.

HillaryRodyhamStalin person is very obviously a troll from it's comment history and choice in name. 

Thank god you have your priorities down. Not the abhorrent racism and abuse. But that they didn’t endorse Sanders!  The nerve!  What names shall we call them?

I love all the un-self-aware commenters who are like, “This seems fake! Bernie Bros would never act this way! It must be trolls and impersonators!”

Glad to see someone else thought of this.

I smell a rat.

Crazy! Sanders supporters losing their shit over insufficient ideological purity, undermining minority concerns, and attacking a female candidate? I never would have seen this coming.

I got called a centrist for saying I supported Warren over Bernie. There’s no reasoning with children.