Tangent: The kids singing the jingle for the Hess toy tanker truck, an annual happening for way too many years, is an abomination to my ears, radio, and to the song “My Boyfriend’s Back”.
On the stump, what fraction of the energy did she put into reproductive rights compared to anti-vaccine stuff?
I never knew I wanted (a more handsome version of) my likeness animated to impress, and propose to, the love of my life. Until now.
Watching a series about Phyllis Schlafly seems like it’d be watching Schindler’s List, if that movie’s protagonist were C. Montgomery (We both made shells for the Nazis, except mine worked!) Burns.
Upvoted for the near-seventy-year old reference. I was a movie geek before computers, or even widespread home video, were popular, and TGSoE was even then held by many folks as the most boring Best Picture winner ever. DeMille was really off his game.
So it’s one of those things that’s worth YouTube, but not a paid streaming service, let alone a theater?
So, they watched the motorcycle chase in MI:2, where the bikes go from road tires to dirt tires and back, then said “Hold my beer”?
This is the one they’ve been selling at Aerostich for perhaps two decades. I figure it’s attained a cult status among motorcyce folks.
Upvoted because I searched for a good video takedown of this movie, and settled on this.
That could be almost funny if it were “Takened” or “The Takening”.
The mere title of a “Taken” spoof, “Who the Fuck Took My Daughter?”, made me chuckle. That is one more laugh than I imagine the movie itself will contain.
Nothing says “I love the 2000s” quite like a troop surge...
Interesting to see that the least and (perhaps) most expensive mass market cars on this list, Versa and Lexus SUV, both suffer from the “premiumosity” disease, affecting what would have been clean, utilitarian, honest vehicles.
I can go five hours without pissing myself, thankyouverymuch!
The pic and the headline sent me to the exact same thought.
I’m surprised it is advertised on terrestrial radio. Is any state lege or Congress proposing to treat this just like cigarettes legally here? God knows the FCC’s Ajit Pai won’t do anything.
Oddly enough I’ve lost a center cap or two in from Volvo in the two winters I’ve owned it, and now I’m off to eBay to replace them.