
The joke was always:

Here’s a good way to illustrate this: The distribution of grocery stores around the city. Go anywhere in the city of Pittsburgh EXCEPT the North Side and you’ll run into at least two Giant Eagles within about a mile of each other (Shadyside/Bloomfield where there’s a standard Giant Eagle, then a fancier Market

if she came out as being pro-Iraq war he’d probably change his tune

Fun fact: My hero Greta Thunberg has Aspberger’s syndrome (true story), which in this case she uses as a superpower, cause Greta has zero fux to give.

The answer is 1.

Welp if she was a history teacher, she would know texas (and much of the Southwest) used to be part of mexico, and as such many of “the Hispanics” that live there are actually Americans from way back, and yes, they still speak Spanish and wave the Mexican flag because thats their heritage and that’s what people do.

Anyone else want to see the “alarming tweet”so received from Trump’s “assistant” or is it just me?

Yet people still believe CNN is “liberal”.

Because something, something, both sides.

Instead, he was given a trophy, a gaming headset, a year’s supply of chocolate almonds, and a year’s supply of Real Gold Dragon Boost energy drink.

SNL: “To get that sweet alt-right market, let’s hire a guy who likes to casually throw around “c#!^*.”

Conservatives aren’t funny. The comedians conservatives think are funny are...Larry the Cable Guy. Tim Allen. Sentient re-hashes of the same old unfunny shit from the last 50 years, sometimes packaged in a new way but always entirely predictable. 

Unfortunately, it seems no one bothered to vet Gillis, or even give him a cursory Google

You can put ”honor” in the same garbage bin as “thoughts and prayers”. Give the kid his rightfully earned money.

Was there a booth nearby where he could exchange said energy drinks for cash money like at a pachinko parlor?

A sheriff actually afraid of getting caught dropping an N-bomb? Werd?

And yet, despite all these nonsensical suspensions, here’s Amouranth dancing on stream right now:

You don’t think with this singular administration there’d be political pressure to at least nominally give a nod to the reason that people with asthma had to die? What am I saying? Did the middle class get a $4000 saving out of the $1.2T give away to corporations and plutocrats? (Like that was ever going to happen.)

The average new vehicle price won’t go down, because it is the consumers that determine the price of the average new car. If consumers wanted cheaper new cars, they would buy cheaper new cars. Nissan would be struggling to keep up with Versa production.

People like to think that California is this all-powerful, Liberal-Elitist, cesspool that just wants to inflict their vindictive will upon everyone else.