
Starter money is reserved for studs like Case Keenum and Ryan Tannehill.

““Eat the rich” and “vote for the ‘capitalist to [her] bones’” are somewhat...contradictory programs.”

I think the idea of a social democracy sits just fine with most of the population. Which seems to be the endgame for both of them via slightly different paths.

I will easily vote for either.

He does realize that the cast of Mad TV was much more diverse than SNL right? I mean forget the fact that it’s off the air it launched careers of the following, Keegan Michael Key, Orlando Jones, Aries Spears, Jordan Peele, Debra Wilson and wait for it....Bobby Lee an Asian. Sit your ass down and admit you fucked up.

Jets fans are used to seeing who’s at quarterback and going, “Look - fuck.”

The only amusing thing about the Jets quarterback situation right now is listening to Tessitore slowly enunciate Luke Falk’s name to avoid inadvertently cursing. 

Mugabe just didn’t do it for you, huh?

He would get crucified for his views on Fox News.

It was, in fact, a social-democratic paramilitary group in Weimar Germany that fought (literally) both communists and fascists, but yeah, if I were making up a fictional fascist group, I’d call it the Iron Front.

Did anyone else not know how to feel about “Iron Front”? Because to the uninitiated that name sounds pretty damn fascist.

I haven’t been this distraught since Pol Pot died.

Maybe a cash bonus for the Dolphin voted least valuable player.

I hope it was his pinning arm. 

I swear to fucking God if the Steelers go 0-16 with Roethlisburger out and the Dolphins win a game in December that they have no business winning, I’m going to lose my goddamned mind.

I feel like the actual Jesus Christ would have some very interesting and entertaining things to say to the modern equivalent of the moneylenders in the temple.

Now playing

Hopefully the director has learned that it’s never a great idea to put an 80-year-old guy on TV to talk about anything.

hurt, suspended, or in Cleveland

I mean, I certainly understand why fans are growing impatient with moving on from Eli - it’s something that should have happened well before now - but as mentioned in this article itself, the Giants right now have “no passing weapons” and “no defense.” The Giants aren’t just delusional if they think they can win with

Just keep him on ice until the Super Bowl.