If you don’t like bottled water and find it silly and pointless, that’s cool. Don’t consume it. Some of us like it, though, especially those of us with OCD and germ issues.
If you don’t like bottled water and find it silly and pointless, that’s cool. Don’t consume it. Some of us like it, though, especially those of us with OCD and germ issues.
Please let the authorities know your name and location. They need to know who is violent in our society. You clearly are.
“Imitation” is in the phrase “imitation crab.” You are bad at this.
This is crap.
The latest shooter bought his guns legally, then broke numerous laws while bringing the guns into a gun-free zone and killing kids.
NONE of these “report card” activities would have stopped him. Not a single one. You are spouting nonsense to make it look like you care.
Agreed. I’m good at games, but Returnal’s difficulty level was too high to make it fun. If they had let me control anything that made the game easier (more health? higher damage on enemies? anything at all?) I would have played all the way through it.
I live in the area and am pretty sure I’ve been to that Arby’s. This article grossed me out when I saw it a few days ago. *shudder*
There’s also a lemonade flavor at Which Wich...
There is a huge difference between “hush money” and a “nuisance payment.” If you are worth billions of dollars, it is easier and more cost-effective to pay the nuisance payment and avoid a worthless court case and bad publicity.
If it was hush money, it certainly would have been more than $250,000.
“It is not a secret that the right make “free speech” a very ambiguous concept, applying it when they want, and making it more ambiguous when it’s convenient to them.”
You REALLY don’t understand the law, harrassment allegations, and nuisance payments, huh?
If the world’s richest man actually sexually harrassed someone and there was proof, I guarantee you their lawyer(s) would seek more than $250,000. They’d go for millions.
This is what is known in the business as a nuisance…
This is stupid and pointless. Y’all have to stop writing these bad filler pieces that don’t say anything at all.
Do you really believe nobody orders Domino’s in the day? That only drunk/stoned people order it late at night? Because that’s what the article says.
You could literally write this same tripe about any food.…
That headline could use a re-write - I literally couldn’t tell what it meant. You mention “work at a coffee shop all day” and immediately mention baristas, so I thought you were saying that baristas - who work in a coffee shop all day - need to spend money...?
Having said that, I agree with the main point of the…
It’s possible, but the writers don’t make that claim.
I have a journalism degree and have worked as a reporter for a newspaper. If you are using a pseudonym, you’re supposed to make that clear.
I’ve become a fan of Opopop products. The kernels have flavoring on them so basically every bite is delicious.
I don’t think anyone at The Takeout understands the concept of “anonymous.” This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this on this website:
“I also spoke with Emily, who asked to remain anonymous but confirmed she works as a manager at a Chipotle in the Jersey City area.”
How many Chipotles are in the Jersey City area? I…
What a take. Have you seen the shooter’s manifesto? He isn’t a conservative. He doesn’t seem to watch/like conservative media. He called himself an eco-fascist and possible communist. He hates the Jews. He’s anti-capitalist.
But according to you it is “Conservative Media” that is the problem. Real bright. He’s one of…
Isn’t it interesting that everyone who is pro-abortion can comment normally but anyone who is pro-life is stuck in the greys? That really says something about Kotaku...
I don’t hate anyone. But I hate human babies being killed in the name of convenience.
I also don’t care what you do with your own body. Have sex with 17 people today of whatever genders you choose. But if you fail to use protection and end up pregnant, we aren’t talking about ***your*** body anymore. We are talking…
It’s not *that* bad. Basically they use a dot on the graph to represent the different characteristics of the character. Then they try to make sure the dots aren’t all clustered together, because if they are, there’s no diversity.
“with chains like Taco Bell unveiling new concepts like multi-lane drive-thrus in an effort to maximize speed and efficiency.”
Um, no. This is not a new concept. McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A have had multi-lane drive-thrus for years.