billy and the cloneasaurus

...And no further humiliation was ever had on behalf of Drumpf’s diarrhea tweets ever again!

Now Trump can whine about TWICE as much “fake news!” We’re all so blessed by the benevolence of our Twitter overlords.

He didn’t...? Man, I’ve unfairly hating on Sean Astin for years, then.

Say what you will about the tenets of Republicanism—at least it’s an unconscionably shitty way to govern.

That’s why it’s a well-known fact that Sweden kills more people every year than guns, automobiles, and Phil Spector combined.

“Send... more... paramedics.”

Lecherism kills! And people think it’s a disease you can live with!

It’s almost inspiring how badly they want their voters to die.

What are the chances it could happen for a, um... fifth time? It’s time to bet on Starks, baby!

Imagine how cozy a Jon Snow hat and muffler would be if they’d ever invented hats or mufflers.

Come back heeyah! I'm, ah, not through demeaning you!

Perhaps something in his portfolio that says "dad likes leather"?

…Said Ripley to the android Bishop.


Say it, Frenchie! Say "chowdah!"

Okay, you know what you do? You buy yourself a tape recorder, you just record yourself for a whole day. I think your'e going to be surprised at some of your phrasing.

Underage backcountry Taiwanese acrobats, you racist.

There's just got to be a better way to say that.

Can't he suggest they be the subjects of the shapeshifter's wrath in The Thing instead? I'd rather have a Neo Nazi running around who's an indiscriminately murderous alien than a skinhead.

In that case, try maybe growing an extra row of teeth, and develop pecs on top on your pecs.