billy and the cloneasaurus

he had a clearwater revival

Maybe we can set you up with Tab?

I want the Doom Patrol show to be just as weird as the comic books. I want them to face off against a brain in a jar and a gorilla with a French accent wearing a beret (who are also lovers). I want them to fight against the Brotherhood of Dada and be sucked into the Painting That Ate Paris. I want them to battle the

Can you stop with this fucking reflexive pessimism and get your Eeyore ass to work if you’re so scared all the damned time? You’ve been doing nothing in this thread but shitting on positive news. Stop. Internalize your depressing fatalism; I don’t care; just keep it the fuck off here.

He’s a 14 year old loser that just got turned down by the hot girl in school! It’s not his fault! /Scarcasm

Stop being a ignorant SJW cunt for just a second and think of this logically.

That’s an awful lot of words to say “I’m a fuckwit, ignore my bullshit.”

Thanks for the incel perspective, Cap.

Even beautiful women deserve respect, what the fuck? She’s still a person. Just like you.

Thank you, Mr. Weinstein 

Just these accounts that Subway knew, you fucking dumpster fire. Go stick your shitty attitude up your ass.

A wise man once said, and I’m paraphrasing George Carlin here, but go fuck yourself.

Well, with all due respect, you really fucked this story up, James. No mention of the alt-right monster who dredged these up as supposed “proof” of a nefarious pedophile conspiracy theory in Hollywood? How this is an ideologically-motivated hit job orchestrated by someone who operates entirely in the realm of

Right wingers can say whatever sexist and racist thing they want and nothing happens (see current president). A “lefty” cannot have done anything wrong in their life, or they will have their careers ruined.

I have medical conditions

My problem is that I have medical conditions that see me visiting the bathroom frequently, especially when I’m eating or drinking.

Are they fighting Elvis Costello?

Pretty sure that the NRA didn’t do it moron.

Hoodies are a suspicious item of clothing; apparently, this, not so much.