billy and the cloneasaurus

It's good you didn't, but if anyone were allowed, it should probably be you.

Too soon, HBO!

Mandatory CancerAIDS. Tough but fair.

These proceedings are a farce. I'm calling Kang-aroo Court!

wtf is killsq8d lol

I'm glad you find my speech impediment so fucking funny.

A Million Little Pieces

They're perfect for crushing those meddlesome turtles!

At a boy.

Especially if they all have their own Technodromes!

He's saying 2016 should have taken you with it. Wait, maybe that's a little obscure, too. Let's try again: Your life should be traded for any of our beloved entertainers who died this year, if there were any justice on Earth.

The family, the country, the goddamn planet don't need this.

Your stars, my stars, everybody's stars. How many collective parting ball-kicks can 2016 possibly deliver at this point? Jesus fuck, END THIS FUCKING WEEK ALREADY.

This is the post-Trump world. So, no.

And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore? Remember the Batusi?

I always tend to go back to, "So… do you like… stuff?" when he was convinced Lisa wanted him to be her Valentine, and further demonstrating he has zero ability at social navigation.

Not for nothing. Ron Perlman still needs to know he could look worse.

You better run, egg!

I'm practically demanding it, Dad!

Also, if a new Pearl Jam record suddenly appeared on people's iPhones, there'd be cheers instead of loud complaining.