billy and the cloneasaurus

I always tend to go back to, "So… do you like… stuff?" when he was convinced Lisa wanted him to be her Valentine, and further demonstrating he has zero ability at social navigation.

Not for nothing. Ron Perlman still needs to know he could look worse.

You better run, egg!

I'm practically demanding it, Dad!

Also, if a new Pearl Jam record suddenly appeared on people's iPhones, there'd be cheers instead of loud complaining.

"Easy-peasy?" Hardly.

I can't stress how reluctant my upvote to you is.

Pearl Jam really are making U2 seem like selfish bastards at this point.

Retriever? I barely know 'er!

Another unholy terrier of a pun thread that really should be giving us all paws by now.



It's like fecal poetry. Every smelly stanza sort of rhymes with the last shit.

Greyhounds. They're delightfully lazy as fuck.

Germans really do have a word for everything.

Many, many creers will ring out.

"He was going to the bathroom."

Can I at least take him to the park once in a while? Pretty please?

That's way too good for it. Can the tentacles be wrapped in rusty razorwire, and the porn be German?

Somebody needs to go ahead and just make a horror movie where the slasher is the year 2016.