That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.
That last email is the one you should have sent first, and it’s a shame you had to let Bret Fucking Stephens hand you your ass before you realized that.
Boom, Bobby!
Yeah, unless someone dedicates their entire existence to a cause, how dare they have any sort of opinion or stance on the matter! I mean, it’s not like social issues affect anyone other than those who live and breathe them. Until that magical day when humans evolve to be multifaceted and can grasp the concept of doing…
And for this guy, as a politician, to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”
This is revolting.
Cry me a river, your ‘winner’ is a traitor.
The facts that the Democrats (and especially Hillary) are terrible at getting elected, and Team Trump dirty dancing with Ivan are not mutually exclusive.
I’ve been missing this photo.
Jesus was a 33 year old single man in a time period when men and women were married in their early twenties. A single 32 year old man living with his parents? Jesus was gay. It’s all in the bible.
My state has incredibly strict rules about daycares but last week, a daycare provider murdered an 8 month old at nap time. Someone in one of my baby Facebook groups ran the daycare provider’s name through the system and found she had been charged with assault twice in the past 5 years. The state will shut a place down…
Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.
Is there a way to normalize body positivity without normalizing unhealthy weight standards? The average woman shouldn’t weigh over 176 pounds not because of patriarchal culture, but because it’s unhealthy and demonstrably leads to negative health outcomes. The same goes for overweight men. One of the negative outcomes…
Why was the article written in such a way as to make the manufacturer/drug company out to be the “bad guy” or there was some sort of racial animus/fat shaming happening?
It does spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you…
He raised his voice while being non-white.
Does this now set a precedent for others to do that same to him, or do the countless lawsuits against him count towards this?
Why would he have been in the first place? He is neither Muslim or Jewish, or American (which seems to have a weird non-religious fascination with the practice)