Bill Weldon

When they had the Super Bowl in Santa Clara, the police had high profile arrests for prostitution then nothing. It is all for show for the morals crowd.

A-? No A+. This is far and away the best space documentary and rivaling the best space movie, 2001. Truly a breathtaking achievement. 

Yeah, you need to grow up. 

A sequel would be in order. He could tie in his original themes but with what facebook has morphed into- a dangerous weapon of social manipulation by hostile powers. Now that would be a movie!

I would feel upset. Boohoo. I only have &65 million. Life is so unfair!!!!!!!!!

God forbid theese folks run on a boring treadmill.

Ok I am buying season 3.

Flying commercially is not a right. Christ you are so stupid. With all your nonsense, you sound like a Trump voter.

I would love to but I am busy watching MSNBC and CNN for the real life Americans.

Reading these tweets reminds me of the fake news campaign by Russia.

Hey, show some love for Bezos. He revitalized The Washington Post in his tenure there as owner. They are coming out with amazing scoops and reporting on The Apprentice: Armageddon series. Yes Amazon robots will take over some of our jobs, but creative folk still have many opportunities in the knowledge economy.

Need more filthy details.

What came first- Taxman by the Beatles or the Batman theme song?

How is this company worth $70 billion? It has yet to earn money and it has not made clear how it is going to make money. Note that Google was valued at $24 Billion at their 2004 IPO and it was making money!

Your argument makes no sense. The Russians interfered with our election. Trump has been actively denying it. His team has been hiding their meetings with the Russians. Does this not concern you? Are you a Russian commenter? WTF!!?

That is pretty fucking racist.

I was hoping it was Eve Peyser.

Excellent sleuthing!

Who are you Mary Jane McWeedy??

“But if passengers can pay a fee to bypass such an inconvenience, one has to question if our safety is really the top priority here.” There is a security check that happens when you apply for pre-so basically you are paying for one. They can take away that security clearance any time if you are caught violating it.