Limiting the terms of rookie contracts for drafted players to two fully guaranteed years.
Limiting the terms of rookie contracts for drafted players to two fully guaranteed years.
Kraft is the same as Jerruh just wrapped in a different fat entitled wrapping......
I love your podcasts with Cousin Sal, man. Tell Rusillo I said what's up.
It helps when you can subvert the salary cap by compensating your QB with off the books business ventures...
You’ve got to be FREAKING kidding me!? Your right, the Patriots don’t screw players on contracts. They cut them and trade them as soon as they see no value.
I agree completely. And I’d even go so far to say that having a bad record doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a bad coach. All that said, it’s still humiliating to publicly eat shit, and maybe even more so when it happens at the peak of your profession.
is that Kaepernick himself has already profited from the very same move Jay-Z is using now.
He was a great pitcher and a horrible human being. The latter prevents him from being inducted into the Hall and I’m just fine with that.
Respect it?!?! so you’re just as big of an a-hole as that guy, eh? Do you help yourself to coins from the blind guys hat too? What a tool.
No, that’s a bitch move.
He’s got a deflated sense of supremacy then.
Hell, I can get you a bachelor’s degree by 3 o’clock this afternoon... with honors. These fucking profiting-off-amateurs.
I was skeptical when Trump said that modern netting was safe and doesn’t block your view at all. But he was right: no collision, no obstruction!
One time, the US men’s soccer team organization put out a statement that they wouldn’t be giving any more statements, and the article here was a bulleted list of the players with “did not respond to request for statement.” So... the “article” was a team roster, I guess.
Agreed, but nothing of what you just said merits an alleged politics blog running the above post.
Thanks for taking a moment from serious discussion to be creepy, I guess?
Guess everyone’s gotta shoot their shot.
That bus is a sad monument to a sad story.
that’s a jerk-off station