
Indeed. It's an ongoing source of bafflement to me, the way so many folks here are so judgmental and intolerant of these characters, especially when the actors have done so much to humanize them. In this case Cameron *is* a petulant child who can't play with others. She's also emotionally stunted and desperately in

Yes, absolutely thought that Cameron would flee as Tom went alone to the airport/Japan. I was surprised that wasn't what happened, and found myself wondering if the only reason why it didn't was because she saw Donna.

I'm also hopeful, if not optimistic exactly, that folks will recognize just how good this season has been and that the buzz that generates will work on the show's behalf. It's probably too much to hope for that the writing here, much less some of the brilliant work the ensemble of actors is doing, will get award

Excellent review, as ever, Mr. Perkins.
I didn't imagine to question that the boardroom scene felt earned. I think the scene made the best case so far for H&CF being the best series on teevee this year (yes, better than Saul, better than Americans). It's always been a little bit of a tough sell, trying to persuade

Yeah, I miss it too. But I liked the later seasons just as much as the earlier ones, though I do accept that the premise was wearing a little thin. Anywhere, I plan to watch this simply because of Piper Perabo, but my expectations couldn't be much lower and I expect to drop it as the DVR starts stacking up with the

This basically worked out to be the replacement for Limitless, right? F CBS.

Nice pull, Mr.Perkins. I didn't even see the drug names on those bottles. Dexedrine? Yow. Wonder how she got a scrip for that?
If this season closes anywhere close to as strongly as it's progressed so far, this may end up being my favorite thing on teevee this year. I so hope that it doesn't end after another 4

I've had fabulous, KC-level barbecue in Lockhart TX. The rest of the state? Meh. KC's safe.

It was actually pretty great until 9/11 and TSA screwed the original design's ability to go right from your car to your gate up with stupid security checks and safety and stuff. Oh well

KC native and first 50 years of my life resident here (and Louis CK fan). It is kinda funny about what an inferiority complex the area has, but it also bears mention that anybody who either praises the city or who's a native of anywhere within a 100-mile radius of the city can do no wrong in Kansas City, pretty much

Yeah, wedding band fits the unadorned ring better, but when I posted I guess I didn't fully grasp "she's back with a ring, but not Tom," and engagement fit that oddity better in the moment's thought I gave it.

Indeed. I look forward to them after the show almost as much as the show itself.

I thought this was a terrific episode, one of the series best to date. Every major character got the opportunity to shine and to round out what at times has felt like one-note characterizations. This was a hell of an effort for a first timer. OK, so was I the only person to presume that Cameron's ring was an

Indeed. It's actually more an unrecognized gem than anything else I can think of. I'm fine with ending it now, the timing seems about right. But the show deserves more attention.

Strong episode for a putting the pieces in place for the season transition sort. Mackenzie's facial expressions were brilliant, as Mr. Perkins rightly points out.
last week I had Boz and Diane's thing heating up a lot faster than they're playing it. Diane could hardly have said a more wrong thing to Boz about falling

Saw the S3 ratings a couple of days ago and my heart sank a bit. IMO this season has built on the improvements of S2 and I'm so looking forward to more.

Yup, Boz is sleeping with Diane before the end of the next episode. Maybe before the end of the first half of the next episode. Lucky guy. I've had it bad for Ms. Gish since the first season of Brotherhood.

Plus, Annabeth Gish. I'd love for her to be more than just a couple ep's cameo.

He didn't use the ticket Cameron (rather arrogantly/desperately) gave him to come along to the Valley in the S2 finale, but I bet we get at least a cameo at some point in S3.