
OK, I will. Interest particularly piqued. I confess I found myself thinking that this episode was almost an answer to my "Frank's the only character worth caring about" thoughts after the S5 finale. "So, you only care about Frank, huh? Well, we'll grind that concern right into the ground without delay, and with

I appreciated the review, and I found it to be a rather surprisingly good first episode. I really wondered how much longer I'd stick with the show after last season's finale (one of the most useless of 2015). Every character on the show surrendered reasons to care about them but Frank, and if Frank is the character to

Seems a little weird even remembering Jane Levy as Mandy, she's been gone for years and Emma Greenwell does own the role. But totally agree with the hope she comes back, only a little hard to see where she fits into Lip's world just now.

I'd submit that it's nothing much more or less than her being a woman of a certain age, and the roles seem to get more dear as women go from their 30's to their 40's. She still looks great, and I ain't sayin' it's right. I've had a crush on her for 25 years. Twitch City, anyone?

Look at her. You know she's fucked for food.

I'm sure this has been pointed out before, but check out AV Club's #2 movie of 2015 (it's on Netflix) for a lot more of Astrid/Nina Hoss…

Strike Back was action, (soft-core) porn.

I like that fucking black Darjeeling.

I finished Season One with real ambivalence about the show and the characters, and i'd have been OK with a cancellation notice. Season Two has presented us with the most improved show on television (at least so far this year), and I'm truly sad at the prospect that this is where this story ends. Apples and oranges

FWIW they used Ex Hex's "Don't Wanna Lose" as the theme music for their pre-season trailers as well, which I thought an odd choice since it was released in fall 2014. But it was my record of the year, so I'm cool with the time discrepancy, even if I don't hear it as all that 1985-y in sound.
Anyway I'm pleased that

I hope there will be a summary of the season and tonight's finale? I thought that they did a lot of things better with this season, is it enough?

She rallied the French forces to victory. Unworthy?

"She wasn't roused for battle?" I think we watched different shows. She was fully ready to run into a death trap and that's what you'd expect from her and part of why she is awesome. And the show IS concerned with more than who she's having sex with, but she isn't Ragnar and she doesn't get exposition of motivation

I understand that Ragnar's strategy of "Pyhrric defeat" as part of a long game with Floki is questionable, but with "this is how we win, and this is how we die" as the prime basis for existence and an assured place in Valhalla waiting for those who die in battle, is it really completely inplausible?

"You will be mine. Oh yes, you will be mine." Good thing Rollo dodged the crossbow bolt(s).

Kalf saved her life, she understands that. She was roused for battle, directed the action at close quarters, her blood was/is up. She saw a lot of death that day, but she got to back to camp alive. Lagertha enjoys sex. I fully understand folks concerned with the awesomeness of Lagertha and anything that serves to

I don't think anybody's pushing Odette Annable for any awards, and she ended up being perfectly great in Banshee. A rising tide lifts all boats, and Banshee is a fucking tsunami.

Black Sails got better as it went and really was pretty good in Season Two, with a few surprises and reasonably involving plots. It's not a show that I'm going to all my friends to insist they watch (my biggest example of that would be, ahem, Banshee), but it's worth the relatively small time investment.

It's really interesting to see so many folks so similarly confused and annoyed (if not outright angry) with this show and this WTF? of a season finale. Shameless has always been more about the characters than the storylines and they've seemingly managed to make nearly all the characters less interesting this season

There was an empty hole in my heart at 10PM EDT tonight where Banshee was supposed to be.