
FWIW, Alan Sepinwall did a good interview with the producer Jonathan Tropper at Hitfix. Tropper explains a lot of the behind the scenes and lays out the whole thing behind the reduced, eight episode order. Essentially, it's a Cinemax thing, not any particular bad sign for the show (which Tropper states is Cinemax's

This show is a bare knuckled, knock down drag out brawl of a treasure, and I'm going to miss it terribly. I can't believe we're going to have to wait 40+ weeks for the next episode, and I hope to hell that the 8 episode order for Season Four isn't an indication that Cinemax and/or the producers are anywhere close to

I suppose the stage has been set for Job to die, but I'll truly be shocked if they go there. Gordon, on the other hand, is almost perfectly suited for a kiss-off. As is either Rebecca or Burton.

Stowe has none of Rabbit's grace or plot importance. IF he survives next week, it ain't gonna be for long.

A delight to see this, and here of all places. I wondered when I saw the headline ('gotta be The Posies, huh?") who it was gonna be. Love the Super Deluxe mention below, folks should check out their comeback stuff from the mid-Aughties, too. Finally I imagine anybody familiar with the scene might already be all over

I liked the first two episodes and thought that the show had promise. This was the episode where it seemed reasonable to really start believing in this show. It's still too soon to be making BB comparisons, unavoidable as that might be, but I'm beginning to expect to see this thing on a lot of year end best-of lists.

The show has only progressively gathered batshit crazy momentum since then and by now is a juggernaut of batshit crazy joy. You will deprive yourself if you don't catch up with this crazy train.

So, does 8 episodes mean that Season 4 is the end of the line without an official announcement?

We've DVR'd the whole thing, so I've sort of tried to avoid the writeups, but I did want to check in to say that I'm really looking forward to them when we finally dive in. Apologies in advance for a question which I imagine has already been well-covered, but does anyone have any idea whether the pilot will ever be

I saw Jamie Luner's name in the credits and was hoping she'd be getting something to do. She didn't even get an (audible) line. She was about the only possible reason to watch the waning wheezes of late-period Melrose Place. The 2014 IMDB photos are, um, persuasive.

I finally caught up with episode 4 last night. Even as a table-setter, it still pushed things forward nicely while kicking the usual amount of ass.
I really wish there was someplace to forward potential new viewers to in order to attract interest and get them watching. This show is obviously not for everyone, but it's

A wonderful movie, unquestionably both one of the most thought-provoking *and* charming war movies ever made. Edward Woodward and Bryan Brown made careers out of it (Brown is primarily the charming part, but Woodward does the same as a man's man), Jack Thompson is unforgettable as the defense attorney, and Lewis

We totally time-shifted on it, often watching eps weeks after they aired. It was completely competent escapist teevee, with Piper Perabo and Christopher Gorham generally better than the plots. The cast in general was good - Peter Gallagher, Kari Matchett and later, Hill Harper in particular. I'm going to miss the

Sports Night is actually better than The West Wing, IMO. Season One is perfect. Season Two had one of the most amazingly annoying plot lines of all time ("the dating plan"), but was still a B+. Wonderful cast, charm to burn, and less opportunity to editorialize and thereby annoy.
Anyway, I watched every episode of this

So…I guess The Newsroom didn't make it. Didn't see that coming.

I'm hopeful that, with just two episodes left, there won't be time for Maggie to institute a dating plan with Jim.

I loved the show. Since so many of us saw the Tommy Darmody reveal from 1,000 miles away, that felt pretty cheap. Wrong. That said I thought the finale actually tied the crazily disparate, annoyingly disjointed last eight episodes together pretty well. I'm sorry that I won't see these folks together again in this

There are a number of notable, worthwhile folks from Livingston, New Jersey. But the currently most pop(ularly) cultural in the current 15 minutes are Chris Christie and Chelsea Handler. Correlation is not causation, but.

I thought it was a mostly interesting collection of characters who I sort-of cared about working in service of a "vision" for where the season and series were going that was really equivalent to that of the Giant. So for all the heavy-handed symbolism the only somewhat less symbolic achievement of Season One was for

I watched this stupid show from beginning to end, every damn episode. I thought they stuck the landing. It wasn't a show you told anybody you watched for at least the last 4 seasons, but it had some reliable, dumbassed laughs. Looking back, I can't recall what any of it was about since Season Two, where the show (such