
Beaf! It’s what’s for dinner!

Mmm. . . tomacco.

This means nothing. Let me know when an actual influential member of the GOP renounces it.

Joe is a douche. Mika is a douche-enabler. Still, we have to welcome defections when they come since nothing is going to happen to Trump until Republicans start defecting.

That’s not “being devil’s advocate, lol”, that’s writing revisionist history. Germany was systematically gearing up for war - the “Lebensraum im Osten” strategy was well-established by then (i.e. the plan to conquer Eastern Europe and put lots and lots of “pure blood” Arians there - Hitler even wrote about this in

Chug every time someone implies the Nazis are victims of leftist propaganda.

Once upon a time, I would’ve disagreed with you. Few generations ago, there were branches of my family that were racist as hell...and their kids were much less racist (They considered themselves NOT AT ALL racist, but you and I know that means they were all “I have black friends,” types...but still well meaning and

You are completely leaving out the Jews, Nazi Germany’s desire to exterminate all of them, and the fact that Poland had one of the largest Jewish populations in the world.

Ugh. Tell me about it. I’m a divorce lawyer. People pay good money to completely ignore my advice.

If Getmany hadn’t started it in Poland, they would have started it somewhere else.

DARE to keep a kid off drugs

lol. I was like the biggest dare fan because I had a crush on the officer.

Ooooohhhh! Emperor Obama! Tell us more about the evil demagogue who manipulates his public image, oh EdgeMaster.

You know the White House is in DC, right?

I remember DARE.
When I was in 5th grade we had an officer come to our class that was supposed to come weekly for 2 months to talk about drugs and crap. He came once.... he never came back because apparently he was caught doing drugs and got fired literally a few days later.

The teacher came to the front of the room

Well he could have given him a shot of Vodka with a Polonium chaser or had him shot under a bridge like Czar Putin has done with those that piss him off. Since Russia is paying a good chunk of the White House staff these days thats ok I guess.

Well in Troll Land everyone is an Emperor.

Lol wtf

They spent all this time on this study when all they had to do was read the comment section on Yahoo.

Gee, strange that “emperor Obama” had a reign of just 8 years. Trying to remember a previous emperor who abided by the results of a democratic election process ... any second now, someone will come to mind, I’m sure ... any minute now ...