
Incorrect. The Buran flew in November 1988, seven years AFTER the space shuttle’s first flight.

Adventurous things I’ll skip in this life at least:

Ha, you think someone would actually bother to bring handcuffs, cute.

he was snorting cocaine or meth or something in the toilet. that was not “road rage”, that was some drug-fueled paranoia and delerium.

The entire country has been wondering that for months. Trump sounds like a kid who just learned some cuss words but doesn’t really know how to use them yet.

Just like when young women say, “No, Mr. Trump, I don’t want to kiss you! Please stop moving on me like a bitch!”

Welp. There goes the “one day we’ll go to Hawaii” plan.

“She’s a 125-pound, drooling, snoring, gassy, loud and silly girl,”

That’s actually the Taco Bell dog. Trump took his health care and now he’s in rough shape :)

Its our thinnest and most powerful roof yet!

Cool! In 2060, the store will remain a static, historic reminder of 2017 construction methods and architecture, due to the inability to upgrade anything inside the building.

The newer Jew pilot landed on the deck, which was in the pouring rain, and the Jew hit so hard that the Jew bounced the plane (F/A-18 Super Hornet). The Jew’s front tire ran into the deck edge scuffer, which runs along the flight deck. The Jew had to set a few out after that. Was entertaining around the ship though

Yes, people pointing out casual sexism are the REAL sexists!

Dude are you even reading what I am writing? You've said this already. Sit down, sir.

Bingo. One of the best anthropology professors I ever had (and an evolutionary biologist, besides) was a devout Presbyterian. He had no problem in looking at evolution and natural selection as being "how God did the work".

Yes, well being pompous about it doesn't help the issue. Ironically those types of Atheists just make it worse. It's like trying to pull out an fish hook without doing it properly. Besides, being disrespectful gets you no where in an arguement and makes people less likely to be convinced by your arguement. Hence why

"If one believes religion to be morally wrong, you will do everything in your power to stop their advance."

Humans are not programs. We can and frequently do operate contrary to our internal train of thought, because we do not run around killing every person that offends us and mating with every attractive member of the opposite sex. It's called being civilized and respectful.

I am a creationist. I believe in a God. But I also see evolution and see that science is evidence of an evolving world/understanding.

The problem I see is this: