
Haha! I had one of those back in the day :)

Grew up 21 miles north of Buffalo N.Y....Was a rabid and undying Bills fan through my 70's childhood, through the 80's and finally the “Glory Years” of the 90's....As far as the other Bills fans that I interacted with, there was sometimes the veiled “Oh, I never go any farther north than [Name your Southtown],

I laughed way too hard at that :)

This is about housing, and jobs....There are federal laws prohibiting housing and employment discrimination....If you are stating that you don’t understand why trying to hide job and property vacancies from non-white people is wrong, then you are in fact a troll.

Thank you for your research, I was trying to figure that GIF out also. EDIT: Still not sure how that’s going to fix whatever’s going on back there.

I see what you did there...Well done.

You don’t date your “Bro’s” EX even if said Bro gives permission....Chances are that if you ask he will give that permission because he wants to show how “Over” her he is....And he may be...But seeing her.....All the time....Everywhere....With you....Is going to destroy that friendship. If he’s really your good friend

It’s actually “Honeytrap”....Not “Honeypot” She’s an ok pot I suppose :)

Pitcher signals, then appears to be trying to make the catch when he is cutoff by the running 1st baseman.

Which one? Or is this a new one?

“Lots of people have $20,000 sitting around, and you don’t need to be a 1%er (I don’t really like that term) to have that. Lots of “common man” have around that level of liquid cash. Perhaps you are biased because of your own experiences in life?”

Thank You...This is the exactly what I say to my friends who can’t wait for this to be an everyday thing. Who’s fault is it when something goes wrong?

So are you saying you’re ok with exterminating people and taking their stuff cause that what happened to your ancestors ?

I like this, but only have single round “insta -death” if they are shot in the head, or center of chest...Otherwise continue the one shot“realism” with a rapid degradation in the ability to move and see (blood loss/shock) until they are virtually immobile and nearly blind. If they are not tended to and removed from

Yeah, what is with insurgents and the Hilux? And how come I can’t get one here in the US?

Depends on the job, sometimes a “boring old clamshell” does exactly what you need it to do...Cheaply.

Watch out Dude, you are getting jumped on by trolls (yes trolls) in full denial/damage control mode. Some them probably don’t even live in this country. These are the same trolls (yes trolls) who will tell you the rebel flag doesn’t represent, and the Civil War wasn’t fought about slavery. Your first clue should be

I pinch off the fur and eat it anyway...Isn’t that what toasters are for?