Giant dual element rear wing mounted on....Pretty much anything short of a race car.
Giant dual element rear wing mounted on....Pretty much anything short of a race car.
Better cut that tie rod first :)
And also because the person that did it was “an elderly woman”, not some kid who was too busy texting to notice where their car was in relation to his.
And there it is....Thanks for clarifying Josh.
You it pains me but I have to kind of agree with that. I have actually been able to listen to him speak without grimacing.....Most of the time :)
So when people have and continue to subjugate you, you should not “blame” them? And what are you supposed to do when the “society” that you have been desperately trying “to be a part of” for hundreds of years repeatedly and continuously tells you in no uncertain terms that you will never be “one of them”.....Or are…
I think that fact still hurts him...He believed those people that he thought were trustable friends.
Yeah, if they pile up enough junk underneath it they could drive it back out again :)
Trying to figure that out myself here.
That’s why at the shop in my town the guys there wont let anyone drive their car into the bays (“Ok, just give me the keys and we’ll get right on it sir”) :)
Not sure if this actually qualifies as “Car Revenge” but when I was a kid the city had an “alternate parking” rule, meaning that you had to park on different sides of the street depending on which day it was (supposedly for snow-plowing and street-cleaning purposes). This did not bother Dad on the weekdays cause he…
But...If you had parked IN your driveway the emergency vehicles still wouldn’t be able to use it....I’m confused.
Are you in the right or left lane when you are doing this? If you’re in the left you actually should let the other car by (move right), so the other driver doesn’t have to “blind side pass” you to get by. If you’re in the right lane “brake-checking” is still a really bad idea. I mean you are being followed closely by…
A shame I can’t “upvote” this more than once. Hope you don’t mind but I reposted this to my “+” page cause it needs to be everywhere.
Hey, your link is down...It’s the “Sullivan Ballou Letter” for anyone who cares to “Google” it, and yeah, it’s amazing.
The National Command Authority consists only of the President and Secretary of Defense (two man rule). If the Secretary of Defense does not concur the President may fire the Secretary and proceed with the strike..That’s it. These rules were put in place during the “Cold War” years because there may have been as little…
“Button”=No....”Whim”=Yes.....This is exactly the awesome power we as Citizens have placed in the Office of The President of the United States...However the people that made these rules always envisioned that whomever we elected would be of completely sober and deliberate judgement. For example, a little while ago the…
While I agree that LeBron James is in no way qualified to be President, if you are honest neither is Trump. And if it had come down to a choice between Trump and James, I’d have pulled the lever on LeBron in an instant. At least Mr. James strikes me as someone who “knows what he doesn’t know” and would probably…
I never thought Trump supporters were “dumb”. I believe Trump supporters are hateful and/or self centered/lacking empathy.