Oh yeah? Where's the ICS update for the Nexus S 4G?
Oh yeah? Where's the ICS update for the Nexus S 4G?
As many others have said, pretty much every 3D TV on the market can do this.
"They'll also include Wi-Fi connectivity, a given by today's standards, but not an available feature on last year's models."
New Pannys usually come out in the spring... last year the roll out started in late Feb and was complete by the end of April/early May.
"The level of electronic integration and the complexity of the subsystems required to emulate something like the F-22 is still out of reach for the Chinese or the Russians."
Exactly what i was going to say.
Maybe you missed the word "gadget" in there, o wise one.
Wow, you have a low murder threshold.
I find Tim Rogers articles interesting - and sometimes enjoyable, too! The one he did some time back about how weird Japan is was fascinating. I liked this one. Breaking it up into a list helps make it a lot more readable than some of his other stream-of-consciousness articles.
Something similar in here in Iowa - but with lights! :)
Great and yes.
Solstice is summer and winter. This is the word you're looking for.
I hope Giz writers get paid extra for having their names appear with these inane "list" articles. :)
Does a man cosplaying as EVA-01 count as cross-dressing?
Please stop with the stupid lists.
Is there a way to hide Sam Biddle's posts? Reading them makes me stupider.
Needs more Apple II models!
Looking over Adobe's list of issues, the one that really stood out to me is Illustrator's inability to save to the desktop. It's actually sort of hilarious.