
petabyte(bit)/second hasn’t anything to do with the transmission propagation rate, it has to do with the transmission bandwidth. Transmission delay has to do with the transmission propagation rate; as you noted, latency.

The Celestiq would work for me in a sedan config, that hatchback rear end is just weird. The Sollei is fantastic.

This is far too small to take a kid to soccer practice. You’ll want an Expedition for that. These are for getting your mountain bike to the smooth gravel parking lot near your favorite park. 

Should probably fix the title. This is a Bronco Sport Sasquatch. Not to be confused with a Bronco Sasquatch.

I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,

I hope those geyser ok 

^This comment should be a slideshow!

US Focus and Mz3 of that period were not related.

“if comparable it is no longer Bugatti”

Meh. It just looks like a warmed over Chiron after they’ve released a gazillion spin-offs and remixes of that design. Like Chiron: The Greatest Hits - general shape from the base Chiron, nose from the Mistral, rear end from the La Voiture Noire, and aero bits from the VGT and Bolide.


I’m just here to say how much I like and admire Lewis Hamilton, GOAT.

Also, clearly you are not a bowler

They aren’t meant to sail slower than necessary, they’re meant to sail at the precise speed which allows them to arrive when it is time to dock - instead of burning extra fuel to get there 10 hours early and then wait. Read it again.

CX-50 has a 6 speed auto.

$750mil? Jeez, did they order the lobster rolls while filming at the Miami GP or something?

That boot leather must taste mighty fine on a Monday morning.

In this video, Sandy Munro, an openly huge supporter, passive friend, and investor in Musk’s ventures (we’ll get into that later), tries to make the argument that firing a 500+ person team due to a management disagreement on the crown jewel of Tesla that is its charging services division, makes sense and that not only

So?  They aren’t hurting you.   

Why do you "loath people who do this"?  I am legitimately curious and a little confused