
If only Adobe was a large company with months of prerelease access to the new OS. Oh wait.

So I guess what I've learned is never buy a Capcom game when it comes out, as it will invariably be rereleased with more content at 2/3s the price a few months down the road.

"Listen, if you're unhappy, vote with your wallet and don't buy it"

Whoa, Kotaku reviewed a game!

If you're going to make some cumbersome clip-on iPhone gaming controller accessory, it really should include hardbuttons and joysticks. Why go only part way?

Agree. I enjoyed seeing this on Gizmodo. I did not enjoy seeing this on Kotaku.

Lenny Kravitz, stop having fun. Professional curmudgeon Sam Biddle doesn't approve.

Another outsourced review? OK.....

I'm pretty sure when this album came out, that there was an accompanying video for Roy Orbison's "I Drove All Night" that got some play on MTV. Even as a wee lad, I was totally confused as to how they thought an old guy my parents liked, singing a love song, would appeal to the Nintendo demographic.

Yeah, since when does Kotaku outsource reviews?

This was released early by mistake last Tuesday.

"Trying to draw some arbitrary line separating digital modification from its traditional cousin is just that, arbitrary."


This contradicts all of the stuff we've heard countless times that the labels hate Apple's dominance and wish to undermine it.


Wow, you'd be able to fit the entire installation of Unreal into the VRAM of today's machines.

But my point is... As slight as it is, the size difference between the colors might be enough to make the white version incompatible with certain accessories or cases. OtterBox is apparently worried enough about it to tell people not to buy their products.

I agree wholeheartedly, and have already pointed this out to her. She said some stuff about taking it out of the case when she goes out on the town all fancy-style, and also said that seeing the little bit of black around the Apple logo through the window in the case would be unacceptable.

I think he's OK overall. But whenever I see some too-cool-for-school post whining about this or that, he wrote it. I was thinking maybe that's all he ever wrote, but clicking on his name and seeing his other posts shows that he writes plenty of good ones. He just needs to lighten up a bit.

Whoa, sorry buddy. It must be difficult for you to read this site since it has so much content about fucking phones.