Sam Biddle wasn't hugged enough as a child. His grumpy-puss posts are annoying.
Sam Biddle wasn't hugged enough as a child. His grumpy-puss posts are annoying.
"Should anyone give a shit?"
Or that's just the way you hold that thing...
Yep, this is how I've been managing my iPods for quite a while. 3 stars and up for the iPod Classic, 4 stars and up for the iPhone. I also have a "cheat" playlist for each device that I can drop new unrated music into to get it on the iPod outside my normal smart playlist system. Every once in a while I sort each…
You actually can - use option-delete to delete songs from the library while viewing a playlist.
In fairness, I haven't played one of these in quite a while so maybe they have had some substantial advancement. Going back and reading the initial write-up on this game, the new online component sounds interesting and hopefully it turns out well. Ever since AC:MoA I've thought that this series' deep customization…
Does the new comments layout not show who you're replying to?
Raso719- Where did I say that CoD iz teh bestest? If I was a huge fan of the old AC games, I'm probably a mecha fan, huh? I have f'ing Armored Core action figures, so really, stop painting me as some 13-year old XBox Live Black Ops jerkoff noob.
For me, Armored Core represents the decline of the Japanese game industry. The first game was an absolute joy and my favorite franchise on PS1, but it hasn't kept up with the times, and now I could care less. These screens look nice but I imagine the game will have the same wooden, empty, lifeless feeling that has…
So... nothing got taken away from Wii owners, but it's somehow a great travesty? Fanboy much?
It's not good, but it's far from a disaster. It has it's moments. The exceptionally clunky dialogue is like something James Cameron would write.
I wasn't expecting updates when I bought the game, so this news isn't disappointing at all.
An entire game should be made around this concept.
Looks incredible. Fantastic work on the lighting.
This seems fake.
[Note: If our new video player is acting quirky for you]
You could pretty much play Rock Band on that ColecoVision controller with all of those colored triggers.
I must now make a necklace out of a Monster Cable.
More info (including full pics) here:
Is this the new La Roux video?