
@mat: fo' realzzz

@ImpossibleMachoMan: This is exactly how I feel. I don't really care one way or another about any of the new stuff. Just give us the old unmolested versions and everything will be cool.

So awesome.

Haha, this game has pretty much the worst story of any game I've played this console generation (and I played through the cel-shaded Prince of Persia from a couple years back!).

"It is worth your time to go listen to the full 40-minute or so talk"

LOL, he had taken down his wedding picture to hang that self-portrait.

@Torokun: I've got a full run of Next Generation ;)

Come on Kotaku... You need to change the title of the post.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: Um, watch the time counters in the game. They are counting off some mmmmmmiiiiiigggghhhhhtttyyyy lllllooooonnnnggggg seconds.

Good documentary along the same lines:

SOCOM games usually get delayed so this is not a huge surprise. lol

@SeraphX2: Over the last several years, BP was responsible for something like 97% of all accidents/violations at all refineries/wells (sorry I don't remember the exact stat). Not to mention they got the Lockerbie terrorist released so they could make more money in Libya. I think the way people are characterizing BP is

"But if this next tune doesn't get me wasted enough, I'm switching to Bieber."

@ChaoticInfinityX: "I don't really see Apple bringing anything relevant to the table"

Just Cause 2


Wow, could the marketingspeakiness of those responses be any greater?