Prior use of a mark trumps prior registration. I’m preparing a civil suit now to recover damages, I have full faith that the Kinja Court will rule in my favor and I’ll get those stars from him.
Prior use of a mark trumps prior registration. I’m preparing a civil suit now to recover damages, I have full faith that the Kinja Court will rule in my favor and I’ll get those stars from him.
California In-n-Outs, some Carl’s Jrs if you get a freshly baked bun and their grass-fed patties, Hopdoddy’s, NOT overrated Shake Shack, NOT overrated Five Guys, Elevation Burgers, P-Terry’s (local Austin chain), some Fuddruckers and any greasy spoon diner worth a damn should make better burgers than Red Robin.
I ship Antoni/Avocado.
You could have promoted Magary’s book for a whole $10 if you acted as your own agent.
The contract is going to be an excuse to give misogynist assholes a platform to complain on the Internet?
I know but for some reason the dipshit ran for president and somehow won.
I’ll grant the lady this much: by backing up at the end, she produced the first evidence I have ever seen of reverse racism.
12th man hates 13th amendment.
Somewhere J.J. Watt is crying in a corner that he can’t get pregnant.
From the forthcoming Jon and the Giant Peach.
Infinity War will only Seem Like Infinity
Honestly, I feel like they could have done more with Mr Boseman. I mean, sure he has a couple of shirtless scenes, but if they really wanted to make money there would have been an extended scene of him dressed only in silk boxers stretched out in front of a fire.
Damn Michael B Jordan can even make roofs wet (I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for this joke, I’m so sorry)
Nostalgia isn’t what it used to be.
He’ll do very well in unfrozen caveman law school.
Tough decision. His heart is between a rock and a hard place.
When the next one happens, and it will happen, I would hope that these kids take to the street, regardless if it happens in a school, a movie theater, a church, a club.
Show the victims. Maimed. Defaced. Violated.
Go full fucking Emmett Till on the NRA.
I think we should put the two of them alone on an island to work it out between them, and then forget that we left them there