
Is there a half-decent keyboard on iOS that has a number keyboard and some basic punctuation yet? After years of Android I’ve had my first iPhone for about two weeks and I have never hated a phone more. Do iPhone users really use numbers and question marks so rarely?

No, not just a gen-x thing. The problem none of my anti-social millennial friends have Costco memberships either. Besides who wants to take a Saturday afternoon to chaperone their friend around a grocery store while they consider a membership?

Oh boo hoo, let me run over to Costco and buy a 12-pack of violins so I can play some sad music. These mega-stores are what killed small businesses and Main Street USA. It’s not sad if they become a victim of the shark eat shark system they cultivated.

Go ahead, have him fight in the UFC. After that we can all look foward to him competing in the Special Olympics.

Sounds to me like we got a troll in the comments section working for Big Cucumber

REI carries literally everything you could need to enjoy the outdoors

REI carries literally everything you could need to enjoy the outdoors

I rode a motorcyle for years in Florida, another state with generally shit drivers. But after 8 years in L.A. I refuse to get on one out here. Maybe the driving conditions are better in other parts of California but riding in this city just seems to be an open ended suicide attempt. I still can’t believe how common

Who does Bryan Cranston have chained up in his basement?

That was the solution 10 years ago, when they really started to go mainstream with this micro-transaction, release half-a-game shit. There might have been some hope if people had held off then and maybe this type of thing would have stayed in the realm of Candy-Crush and Game of War. But it’s too late, they know they

I’ve realized recently I don’t enjoy games based on real wars. Especially modern games. Classic Wolfenstein, and the like are cartoonish enough that it doesn’t bug me. On recent titles the graphics and game play have gotten good enough that when you combine them with the setting a real war that people actually fought,

Yes, we need to show a little restraint when it comes celebrating this heavily retconned Pagan winter solstice ritual (now a celebration of unbridled consumerism). Instead we need to spend more time focusing on the kick-off of the Native American genocide (now a food-themed celebration of unbridled consumerism).

Yeah, but Chili’s sucks. No should eat there to begin with no matter how clean your margarita machine is.

Wherever you go, Bars, restaurants, 7/11. Don’t get frozen drinks or Slurpees, Slushies, or anything else out of dispenser machines. If a place is selling frozen margaritas out of a blender they’re fine. Don’t touch them if they’re in a big frozen drink machine. Those things are supposed to be flushed and cleaned

If Blagojevich needs to show remorse about anything, it’s how much he’s tortured that rodent stapled to the top of his head 

Is this real?

The “fantastic” comparison doesn’t really work here though. If it originally meant something that has the quality of fantasy then it’s not huge leap to see that evolving as a synonym with words like amazing and unbelievable. Literally on the other hand is being used in the exact opposite manner of what it means.

Can I eat two eggs every morning and be ok or will I die from a heart attack at 40?

I 3D printed a couple after getting into soft boiled eggs. See my video about it.

I’d like to find recipe for The Meat Tornado that’s not all grease and salt