How about Hydrox flavored?
How about Hydrox flavored?
A movie that exists only to show how hot its lead is: Barb Wire
You first put that out before, during or after cooking?
If you live in apartment that doesn’t have a good exhaust over the oven/stove how do you cook meat/fish without the entire place smelling like it for the next few days?
This is all such bullshit. Lahren obviously wants to jump to a mainstream property and mainstream paycheck. That’s why the olive branch to the left with the abortion comments, she wants a permanent chair on The View. Beck is obviously pissed that Lahren, who was easily the most well known and visible part of The Blaze…
How is it not Wreck-gar?
Nintendo needs to kill these kind of issues now or in a few years we’re going to be lining up the Switch with the Jaguar and Dreamcast. Novel last hurrahs from once great empires. People can probably get over the abounding hardware issues but if the 1st party flagship titles are glitched out it’s done.
They added more communication apps? Seriously? Did they think there wasn’t enough granularity already? I can’t be the only one who finds the Google ecosystem confusing AF. So there’s Allo , Hangouts, and Messenger for texts. Then Google Voice and also Hangouts for calls, and then Duo (good luck finding anyone else who…
I feel like I must be missing something here. Haven’t the US and the Russians been able to nuke each other and the rest of the world 100 times over since the 60's? What is the point of this?
I think everyone is forgetting Homer’s assertion that “This car was made in Guatemala” from E-I-E-I-D’oh
Code is broke
Code is broke
“$5.83 if you don’t plan on watching Prometheus.”
“$5.83 if you don’t plan on watching Prometheus.”
Came for the Cousin Eddy
I swear you could sell cheesy, deep fried rat-poison in fast food restaurants and people would consume it by the pound.
Where is there stuff for sale on Thingiverse?
Sorry, I perhaps take sandwiches too seriously.
It’s not that it’s iceberg lettuce, that’s ok. It’s shredded lettuce that ruins the sandwhich. Whole leaves of iceberg are fine but the consistency and texture of shredded is the equivalent of literal garbage.
Article derails for me at “Use a good, simple shredded iceberg lettuce”. Nothing ruins a sandwich quicker for me than this. You might as well top a sandwich with shredded newspaper. Whole leaf lettuce or nothing.
Yeah, now if they can just propose and build one without half the country declaring it useless, un-American, and socialism, it’ll be great