
Seriously. They could have written her character so much better - she could have been a really entertaining sendup of that trope, where she’s awful and alienating but somehow always ends up with everyone liking her (Tracy Jordan from 30 Rock is the best example of this I can think of). But B99 wants us to believe

“I would absolutely cooperate with the guy who had me arrested in order to reduce my sentence, even though I didn’t do anything illegal and neither did anyone I could potentially flip on.”

Season 6 was pretty dire in places, but season 7 was one of the overall best seasons of the show. 

I was wondering about this also. Surely a lynching in 2018 would be a hate crime murder, which is a capital offense already?

It’s getting the exact amount of coverage that it deserves. Mueller will not save this country.

There’s barely any reason to cover specialty/limited-run beers like this - there’s a good chance nobody who reads this will ever see it in a store and the people who know how to get won’t be interested.

the president’s push to end birthright citizenship ain’t happening because the president just can’t erase the Constitution as he sees fit

Oof I bet his kids are nightmares.

I was 24 once, and I don’t recall ever being this stupid. I guess being a celebrity just prevents some folks from having to grow up.

It’s not like he really ever had a spine to begin with, but his shameless, open auditioning for Sessions’ job should be embarrassing enough to disqualify him. Except, well, you know...

Mitch McConnell, above all the other bottom feeding scum in Congress, is the one most likely to be motivated by malevolence. Paul Ryan just wants to make his buddies richer, Ted Cruz is a theocrat, but I think Mitch got into politics specifically to do bad things to the common people.

Parents might clutch their pearls about their kids watching this, but when I was 12 my friends and I were pretty much exactly as disgusting and profane as the kids on this show so it would have hardly been anything new.

The best anti Ted Cruz ad should just be a still image of him with a voiceover that says, “Even the worst people in Washington hate him. Think about that.”

How does this boomer-level nonsense have stars on AVClub? Did this get linked somewhere?

Probably because it's guaranteed an Oscar or two. 

Ramsay was a plot device and nothing more. His characterization, beyond being eeeeeevil, was totally ridiculous. By the time his character kicked the bucket, he was portrayed as an expert swordsman, expert marksman, expert diplomat, expert strategist and tactician, and even a dynanite sex haver. All of this from a

This this is my problem with Cersei as well. When the show was still in line with the books, her characterization was roughly consistent. But after the show left the books behind, she suddenly went from being a paranoid lunatic who couldn’t hold anything together to a powerful leader that commands armies and is always

This is the root of Graham’s mania around this. This is an audition for Sessions’ spot as AG. There’s no Russia bullshit, no repressed homophobia (seriously, cut that shit out, people who should know better) - just what he thought was an easy win spiraling out of control.

Quiet, you. Don’t tell people about this. It’s one of the last 10yr bourbons still on the shelves for a reasonable price.

I notice you answered a question he didn’t ask.