I often wonder who the audience for this is. Who is truly clamoring for whispery, over-enunciated acoustic covers of other songs? Is it literally just the guys who make trailers?
I often wonder who the audience for this is. Who is truly clamoring for whispery, over-enunciated acoustic covers of other songs? Is it literally just the guys who make trailers?
Strictly speaking, the NRA should spend their money to get Democrats elected. Nothing makes people buy guns like thinking they’re going to be snatched any second.
I think Sr. is smarter than we most give him credit for but Jr. might actually be a genuine idiot.
If you’re willing to ignore an enormous expansion of government spying, stolen elections, and the overall tremendous expansion of the military state under the Bush administration, what exactly are your issues with Trump?
Seriously. Trump *aspires* to the monumental evil Bush and his crew pulled off. He’s not even in the same ballpark (yet. As always, give these things time).
As overall well-written as the show is, this is my chief issue as well. It’s really hard to balance “this is how people in self-destructive cycles operate” and “satisfying television” and I’m concerned it’s tilting away from the latter. There’s also a degree of “the universe hates Bojack and wants him to fail” that…
Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom is my pick for Bob’s Burgers. So insanely catchy, and actually a pretty sweet song.
“Ruined” how? Seems like there’s a wider variety of each than ever.
The suits clearly thought A Fantasy Epic for All Ages with the All Star Cast would turn a profit but as is the way they dramatically misread their audience.
This is a false dichotomy. Trump, Trump supporting politicians, and Trump supporters aren’t interested in “compromise” and a lot of them aren’t even interested in actually doing anything worthwhile, just doing whatever they can to “own the libs.” The Left needs to stop trying to meet these people in the middle and…
It’s hard to play chess against someone who keeps lighting the board on fire.
I’m mostly impressed with his ego. 2/3rds of the plan to literally destroy the Earth involves him specifically! Who knew his existence on social media was what was keeping the world intact?!
Everything is “national security” with him. Who taught him that he could get what he wants if he keeps claiming that?
You’re right about dairy being nutrient rich, but wrong about lactose intolerance being rare. Most of the world outside of the US and Europe is lactose intolerant.
Haha leftists are so offended by dumb stuff. Now that that’s out of the way let me throw an embarrassing tantrum about a movie I probably wouldn’t have seen anyway.
If Daredevil S2 had been about 2/3rds it’s actual length and only focused on DD’s tangle with Punisher it not only would have been the best Marvel Netflix season but also a genuinely great season of TV in general. Instead, we got Elektra and some stupid ninja bullshit.
Can you tell me why you think it’s necessary, based on what we know about McCain and his actions as a politician, to give him any respect whatsoever?
What’s hilarious is that you think you’re totally in the right, but you’re really just a huge asshole.
It’s been a while since I’ve read it, so I don’t remember if the book specifically states what sort of music he makes, but making him just some mumbly folkie is probably the most boring possible route.