
Kanye: Calls Swift a bitch, implies he was responsible for making her famous, implies that he’s owed sex by her

The prosecution made a royal mess of the case and he’ll likely be found not guilty.

I don’t “support” Future because he’s a grade-A douche (and I hate his music and he ruins every track he guests on, tbh) but $15 million seems wildly excessive.

I’ve gotten more enjoyment from Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch than anything from Madonna, so #TeamRitchie.

We got a KOTOR 3! Except it was an MMO, sucked, and obliterated character development and capriciously eliminated fan favorite characters for no reason.

I honestly thought it was completely ironic; that the Subway But With Mexican Food got all this love was just a big joke.

A grand jury decision being overturned because a basketball player stopped playing is a TERRIBLE precedent to set.

In that Mayim Bialik piece:

Except it’s the content creators themselves that are making the edits rather than outside influences. I guess it’s technically still “censorship” but the distinction is important.

I never thought about this but that’s distressingly accurate. Source: two bipolar family members.

Michael Fassbender almost certainly didn’t do the things he was accused of, but the others are hot garbage.

My main takeaway from this is that all of these people should be loaded onto a rocket and fired into the sun.

Fuck you, people who defended James Dean.

I desperately hope they add a fuckton of content with the expansions/DLCs, mostly to justify my idiotic purchase of the season pass. One can dream.

Azealia Banks has to have some kind of mental illness, right?

So brave.

Can you explain why a woman with realistic proportions is devastating to your enjoyment of video games?

Except you look like the pathetic one for throwing this tantrum over a 1 minute long clip that will have no effect on the game coming out. Also, you invoked “Tumblr,” which makes you even more pathetic than you already were. Grow up.

Worried it might give you the gay?

I live in Nashville. Guilt-free Chik-Fil-A, here I come! I’ve missed you!