
I do think it's really difficult for us common rabble to know exactly who is behind an artist's image (unless it's a well-known sort of thing) - is Ariana being sexy because she wants to be, or because her legion of managers are telling her to do all that because they know it'll sell well?

As BuzzFeed reports, Lara's Instagram, which boasts more than 30,000 followers, is now sadly private (due to a little dust-up with Rihanna's navy over Lara's look-alike status)

Is the movie less of a huge mess than the book? I felt that Collins tried to do entirely too much in the space she had.

Honestly, GoT could lose the female nudity too and still be a good show. HBO's predictable "T&A = Prestige Drama" is getting extremely tired.

if Jezebel is going to report on real science, they should actually know what they're talking about.

I had the pleasure of informing a lady once that she was less important than my dog after giving me an ultimatum. We were just sort of hanging out at first and I was getting red flags from her, so when she said "me or the dog," I RELISHED telling her that she was not going to be coming around anymore.


no, you're definitely not wrong. I wouldn't say it "blows", but it's definitely a colossal mess.

My main take from this is the whitest white girl in existence using a Lil Wayne ref in her IG handle.

People, come on. this guy (and that TearsOfAClown guy elsewhere in this thread) is just another in a long line of "false flag" accounts that do this extremist progressive thing to try to make other liberals look bad. Gawker and Jez get them daily.

Iggy Azalea is right in this regard, though I find that first tweet a bit rich, as in "yeah, I'm all into girl power all the sudden!"

the biggest problem with your rambling, incoherent rant is that Nicki knows who her audience it, and it's a lot of white people.

isn't that essentially sexual harassment? just because your cousin was ok with it doesn't make that sort of thing ok in the workplace.

no. I think it's appalling we're looking to pop stars for cues on anything other than entertainment. pop stars exist to move records/tickets/merchandise - everyone should be immediately critical of anything they say that isn't related to their music.

Based on everything mentioned in this article, why is anyone holding her to any standard? What exactly has she done or is she doing to give us a reason to respect or admire her?

He's not even the best-looking Chris in his franchise.

I've read a few things on Jez that could charitably be described as a "misunderstanding of science", but that one comes across as actually dangerous.

This is a really stupid thing to get this mad about.

so trolls get a spotlight when ungreyed folks respond to them. cool system, that Kinja.