
yes, where will the black community be without "Bye Felicia?"

how is this person not greyed, and I am. I have so much to offer.

Ok, the genocide thing is grade-A horseshit. No one is advocating wholesale murder of disabled people, so don't neuter that word. Also, that attitude is toxic to those who actually want a cure for their illnesses, who realize that their lives (if not yours) would be better if cured. Some people don't treat their

you do understand that your experience is not typical, correct? Not every autistic person is able to live in modern society, or to even type the post you just did. There are quite a few autistic individuals who are so severely disabled that a positive quality of life is almost impossible.

Look, I'll defend any woman's reason to choose what they do with their body. However, I feel it's unfair

First - the correlation between a woman's age and Down Syndrome is well-documented. The author could have mentioned it, I agree.

I think you nailed it. I also don't think I'm ok with the very veiled implication that there are times when abortion is not acceptable.

Some 80% of babies with Down Syndrome are born to women under 35, for one thing, and for another, greater awareness about intellectual and developmental disabilities has created a new culture, one that embraces the differently abled and doesn't reflexively see them as a problem to be eliminated or dodged.

Behind the scenes pictures from an ad campaign. Be still my beating heart.

the bomb is neutral until you activate it. the book is an actual eldritch abomination. big difference!

Eventually, the tipping point between "the money that Greek stuff brings to the school" and "the bad press that Greek stuff brings to the school" will tip the other way. It's inevitable unless there's a sudden, drastic sea change in the way Greek organizations are handled, which I don't really see happening.

this is why we have committees. those two goons' opinions no longer matter.

Here's the problem - even if you assume that 95% of GamerGate is actually about "ethics in gaming journalism," that's still a dumbass thing to be spending your time fretting about.

as unpleasant and generally horrible as Azealia Banks is, you at least have to admit she's way more interesting than the usual blandly smiling pop star.

Lorde* knows

Today I learned: there are some posters on Jezebel who are A-OK with domestic abuse.

she can not catch a break :(

guy's narcissism than his devotion.

A couple of years ago, I would have found her statement deeply problematic, but now... I dunno. Mainstream (white, obv) feminism is a disaster at the moment. Lena Dunham can't understand why sexually harassing her sister is wrong, feminist-branded t-shirts are manufactured by sweatshop labor overseas, etc.

you should recognize by now that you're wrong.