
I mean she used to be the hugest "nice guy" but in girl form, not to mention all the light (but pretty blatant) slut-shaming. Now that every pop star is doing the feminist! empowerment! thing, she is too. I'm not saying people can't grow or change, but above all things, Taylor Swift is a savvy businesswoman with a

Fascinating coincidence that she's a feminist now that it's marketable to be one.

of course they wanted to "discredit a feminist thing" but in this case they were right to do so.

Yet another failure of trendy, lazy white feminism.

You're right. Entertainment should exist primarily to suit everyone's individual tastes/feelings.

that entire role existed to demonstrate how idiotic white people dressing up in blackface is.

I'd be much more inclined to accept the "not our problem" defense (though it would still ASPIRE to a garbage defense) if they didn't insist assault victims go through their on-campus security.

The tone of this article is completely bizarre.

I should have made it clear I'm pretty liberal myself. Sometimes I think good intentions (not wishing to condemn a family for being lower class) can get in the way of acknowledging reality. As for Fox News, I'm sure that the brand of aggressive anti-intellectualism doesn't help, but there will always be sad,

Everyone who's been calling her a "good mom" came across as the sort of weak-kneed liberal Fox News complains about. It was so patronizing, like everyone was concerned they would sound hateful or un-PC if they called the situation exactly how it is: dysfunctional and dangerous.

...who is claiming coke or fast food is good for you? also, I don't think the relative health value of true organic food is going to offset the damage cig smoke is doing to your lungs or the alcohol is doing to your liver/stomach/brain.

A lot of my hipster douche friends that eat organic/ healthy go on and on about how unhealthy soda is, sometimes when they're smoking or drinking heavily.

Man that Annie Lennox thing, while pretty inconsequential, is a mess. She's walking back that comment about Beyonce, even though it's 100% true. Her excuse is to somehow claim Eve Ensler, rape apologist, is "feminist heavy." Maybe she should shut up.

Jesus Christ. It's a pop song, not an essay.

I don't have children, nor do I plan on having any anytime soon. But I'm not going to pretend that my lifestyle choice is on par with having children, which is obviously harder on employees with children than those without.

your benefits are "not having children." Stop whining.

When are we going to learn that pop stars rarely have anything intelligent to say? Minaj pretending her ass isn't relevant is her trying to make a point, but badly.

Interesting interpretation of geography.

I'd say more "Jesus!" than this, honestly. What kind of good Christian votes Democrat???

The only way I side with the childish "I was born in the wrong generation" rockist nonsense is that more writers = shittier song. And this Gwen track isn't letting that theory down.