Billie Holiday La Revoila!

I am going to tell you, as a law school graduate of 1994: it is just talk.

This makes me want to cry.

Scalia was better than this.

That’s bullshit, my fellow wahoo. His observations were that women were taking advantage of these poor, poor companies just for the sweet, sweet maternity leave benefits. 1. Not worth it. 2. God forbid a woman be just as canny as a man in planning her path. If you’ve never seen associates leaving in droves just

Ugh. I was so naive going in to law school. You could have knocked me over with a feather when another (but male) law student told me that he was going to have his own firm, and when he did he would never hire women of child-bearing age. Fucker is super-successful, 20+ years later, btw.

Oh, God, yes. Par for the course.

YEP. Exactly.

I don’t know you, but I love you.

What your wikipedia-copied definition lacks is the very key to the definition: harassment based on the usual categories of marginalization (see below) . Here’s the EEOC overview:

This is why I never (almost never) watch interviews with celebrities. So many of them are stupid, or boring. I simply do not want to be disappointed in this man I find to be one of the hottest out there.

OMG, you keep using that phrase. “Hostile work environment” is a legal term with a specific meaning. It is not what you keep saying it is.

My God, you’re right! How could I have missed the signs??

No. His co-writer was an Army lawyer. This guy was a poet. MFA Hunter College, Yale Younger Poet prize finalist. It’s in the article linked to his name in Jordan’s post.

Further proof: her shoes coordinate with his pants. He was clearly in on it with her the whole time. Longest con.

I think she’s a fair bit smaller now than she was when all this came about. Plus, those jackets are sort of sized large, larger and largest, IIRC.

Jesus, that woman is aging backwards.

Nah, he switched index cards. Without even looking at them and with scarcely a pause, which tells me he was totally prepared to for being asked not to continue in that vein. Hm.

That gif never doesn’t make me guffaw.

I like how all the kids are wearing helmets except the big boy.

Once you hit school sports, you have the same issue - they don’t care if you’re 13 or 15 as a freshman; you’re still a freshman and eligible for 4 years of play, you just likely have an advantage if you’re the 15 year-old.. I know lots of folks who held their (almost always boy) kids back a year so they’d be bigger