Billie Holiday La Revoila!

Why not both?

“Effectively extinct”? Someone tell the tribe: I’m sure they appreciate being “effectively” erased by you. I think this qualifies as irony.

What do you mean, “gets away with that one”? They sure as hell do, and yes, that makes them rapists.

Nor is there a national panic when kids watch a movie or documentary that depicts someone other than white people being violent. The abhorrent fear and intolerance range the full spectrum.

Yes, and that applies (should apply) irrespective of any of those students’ political or religious or what-have-you sensibilities. I also think - since many students, again, of all viewpoints, don’t seem to get it - that there is also a think called classroom decorum (the student version of professionalism), which

Ha, I’m not sure what part I was responding to, either, on re-reading! I think we are in agreement :-)

It is almost uniformly provided in workplace orientations, though, at least at companies large enough to understand the downside of not providing that. I’ve only worked (in my adult, professional life) for really large companies, or law firms, but that stuff was front and center Day 1, with training and quizzes and

I actually don’t see it like that; I consider a safe space to be a place where people voluntarily go , with the understandings both that they can trust the other people and that they need to be worthy of the others’ trust. The price of admission, if you will. That’s not (necessarily) excluding people. It does,

I’ll buy that some conservative students have co-opted or are trying to co-opt the lingo, but they are trying to co-opt it from extreme liberal students who have pushed it beyond a valid use. “Safe space” didn’t start with conservatives.

I’ve seen those warnings in class listings. Usually they are (correctly) followed by a statement that if these things are too difficult for a student, they should not take the class.

Those people are idiots. And ftr, I’ve never heard a conservative link that with “safe spaces”; “PC police,” maybe.

But you don’t think that that entitles you never to have to drive, right?

But academics are about learning and opening your perspective, not hiding from things you don’t immediately appreciate. Seriously, if someone is “triggered” or threatened by reading material that they don’t agree with, to the point that they think that they alone should be excused from it, then they are rejecting

This is an important point In law school, for the social policy & the law journal, the tryout was taking one side or the other on an issue that had to do with gay rights (I think the real-life backdrop was whether a particular group could march against it - the Hibernians or something? This was 1992...). You don’t

Sadly, I don’t think your meanings align with the expectations of a lot (or at least a loud segment) of certain college students. The concepts were intended as shields, but they’re used as swords now.

I agree; however, the other part of that social contract is for people not to act like they were raised in barns. Being a willful jackass adds nothing to the conversation. Group-created or formal “safe spaces” in general population situations (like a classroom, vs. a support group) is stupid and irritating, but

But everyone does that; that’s not a Millennial thing.

I think that, to some extent, commenters here are overselling how productive the average person is in an average day. When I worked insane hours, sure, there was some downtime (though many times, there wasn’t; the reason I was working that much was because there was that much to get done), but in jobs that have been

Nah. Transactional work can be insane. Particularly if you have more than one deal going (which you always do), and even more particularly if there’s an international element to them. I recall (way back in the day) having a European deal and an Asian deal going hot simultaneously, along with a couple smaller domestic

Ashley is on my shitlist now, because this article made me lose 2 hours of my life “investigating” Eminem’s death/cloning and/or plastic surgery, Prince on chemtrails (including an *amazing* Dick Gregory “they’re poisoning our malt liquor” ramble), and I don’t even know what else. Coming back up for air now; feel like